Showing posts with label Dada poem. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dada poem. Show all posts

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Dada poem

 Really good to see your friends in the word.

I am so beautiful and I'm pretty happy.

The expansion of the dada is a young age.

You mean the word of God?

You are awesome👍!

The wiener is a version of this book of your last game.

It sounds like you have a mess with Darth Vader!

I'm not porn to the star of the game in love with a rainbow of your first album!

If you don't want to eat a young age then you'll be able to get the story of your own body.

This year was hard for whistling the first 3 letters that were adorable Koreans.

If the person was about to do something that would make physics sound like you don't need to see your own body,

Then the game where you can play Harley Quinn is the best way of playing in love with your left hand?

It sounds great alchemy but romantic interest is a young girl who wins the game of the time in my opinion on the other person in love with a rainbow of two digits.

Thursday, December 24, 2020

dada poem

 And have you ever been to the dada of the dada states of dada?

The expansion is repulsive.

You mean a young boy who is a young boy?

The idea of my family and pearl jam.

I'm so beautiful and a bottle of rum.

It has been luck to the star of the game for a long noses game.

It sounds like a little children in the word of Narnia.

I am not sure if I can put a young boy in the word of a bottle of water.

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Dada poem

 Really nice to see how you feel Luke buck.

The baby voted for the good of the workers.

You do mind if I call your sister or daughter cute.

The baby is the Archie version of the country in the world.

It is the best of the best.

I thought I was a red flag in the middle of the workers.

You can shave a Chewbacca.

It is a good rebellion and you can not get what you wanted.

It's not get what you're saying.

I'm missing you can live like a new one for a Chewbacca.

If I thought it would have to know about questioning everything else,

The baby voted up for a few months and 1 months later I thought it wasn't the country that was weird.

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Dada poem

 Really good to see how to be the best Sabrina

It was a red flag in the best of the country.

You do mind if I call your sister or daughter cute?

You can shave a Chewbacca.

It was a red flag in the best of the country in the best city.

If you really believe that you can live like however you want,

I thought it would be hard like Kirk vs Picard.

The only pre Islamic Arabs did what you wanted to do with star wars.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020


 And the rules of engagement ring

The birth of the dinosaurs and children in a fantasy world
And the t-shirt challenge is to be treated as such a beautiful day of the possible exception
And I am not a middle school student who is a toddler and no matter what you believe in

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Dada poem

No problem is that wrong with the party of Trotsky
The art of the possible exception to this rule is a great day of school girls under a state of innocence
And I am sorry for being born in the first half brother of a word or phrase that is a toddler and no play makes Jack a dull boy
To say that God is not a video game 🎮of the way to the Great Gatsby and children in the civil servants of the dinosaurs and children in a literary magazine

If you don't want to know why it isn't dark out any of the dinosaurs and children in a fantasy world,
But I am not a middle school student who is a toddler and no one can hear you think that you can understand the importance of having trouble with the Bible?
And we should take down graffiti for the same reason that they are not adults and children in the civil war?
Dada and children are not married to a beheading of a function of this generation and children to the Great Beyond that they are Sandworms doing good to have meaning of the dinosaurs and children

And I have a crush on you all!
The election of the dinosaurs and children to get sick of the dinosaurs and children and children in the civil war?
And the t-shirt challenge is to be treated as such a beautiful child and children in the United nations
If you don't want to know why it isn't dark and children in a fantasy football league of the dinosaurs and no one can hear you scream at the dinosaurs

Monday, February 17, 2020

Random words

Genesis of the world as we know it,and the only way to think that you can understand the importance of having fun! Science is a pronoun! So did the Chinese and Japanese! We are only one! You can see the mind of Vishnu. Where is your proof of the masculinity and Japanese government. Where did that come with subtitles? We are making a war on the phone with me alone, and the YouTube video of dialectical materialism!
