Monday, July 29, 2024

Biden loves ice cream

 Once upon a time in a sun-kissed summer, President Joe Biden found himself in the quaint town of Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, a place where memories lingered among the sandy shores and familiar faces. It was a well-deserved break from the whirlwind of Washington, D.C., filled with meetings, decisions, and the ever-present hum of politics. As always, he had a simple joy that brought a smile to his face: ice cream.

As he strolled along the boardwalk, the scent of saltwater and cheerful laughter filled the air. Biden’s eyes lit up as he approached “Scoops,” the beloved local ice cream shop known for its vibrant flavors and homemade recipes. The bell above the door jingled pleasantly as he entered, and the sheer joy of the place washed over him.

Behind the counter stood Sarah, a longtime resident of Rehoboth and an ardent supporter of the President. She was used to his visits, and today was no different. “Mr. President, the usual?” she asked with a wink, already reaching for the vibrant turquoise tub of mint chocolate chip.

“Absolutely, Sarah! But I think I’ll need a double scoop today,” he replied, a twinkle in his eye. The joy of ice cream was that it brought everyone together, regardless of their affiliation or status. Children lined up beside him, pointing at the colorful array of flavors, and he knelt down to chat with them, sharing smiles and warmth.

After getting his massive cone, Biden stepped outside, the summer sun beaming down. He balanced the tower of ice cream expertly in one hand and savored the first bite. Ah, it was bliss! The creamy mint intertwined with the crunch of chocolate bits sent waves of nostalgia crashing over him, reminding him of family summers spent at his grandfather's house.

He walked along the beach, chatting with folks he encountered, some offering kind words, others stories of their own summer adventures. They spoke of their hopes and dreams, echoing the sentiment that resonated with Biden—a desire for unity, for smiles, and for moments of joy amidst life’s chaos. Ice cream was a sweet reminder of simple pleasures, after all.

With each lick of the cone, he felt the weight of the world lift just a little. As he watched the waves crash rhythmically against the shore, Biden felt a sense of peace. Perhaps, he thought, if everyone could share an ice cream, talk, and laugh together, the world would be a little brighter.

Suddenly, a group of teenagers spotted him and squealed with delight. “Mr. President! Can we take a selfie?” They surrounded him, smartphones gleaming under the sun, and he couldn't resist their enthusiasm. With a smile and a big scoop of ice cream in hand, he posed for pictures, their laughter weaving into the backdrop of crashing waves.

When the day began to draw to a close, Biden headed back toward Scoops, feeling lighter in spirit. As he approached, he spotted an elderly couple sitting on a bench, sharing a cone and holding hands, laughter spilling out between them. He waved and ventured over, offering them a smile. “Best ice cream in town, wouldn’t you say?”

The couple nodded, grinning widely. The man chuckled, “So true! You know, Mr. President, it’s moments like these that really matter.” Biden nodded, understanding the truth in those words, realizing that in the grand tapestry of life, it was these threads of simple joy that held it all together.

With the sun setting behind the horizon, casting a golden glow over the beach, Biden savored the last bite of his ice cream, feeling content. As he turned to leave, Sarah waved him goodbye, and he promised to return soon. The magic of a summer day, laughter, and ice cream would linger long after he left, forever reminding him of what truly mattered.

And thus, with a full belly and a joyful heart, President Biden returned to the White House, knowing that life’s sweetest moments could often come in a cone.

JD Vance loves couches

 JD Vance had always had a peculiar affinity for couches. It was not merely an admiration for their comfort or style; for him, these pieces of furniture held the weight of memories, dreams, and solace. Raised in a small town in Ohio, his family's living room was a hub of lively conversations and laughter, mostly centered around their well-worn, brown leather couch that seemed to cradle their hopes and fears.

After graduating from Yale Law School, JD returned to Ohio, where he found himself reflecting on those formative years. Life had become much more complicated, filled with the expectations of a career in politics and the challenges of a rapidly changing America. Still, there was something profoundly comforting about the thought of sinking into a cozy couch after a long day.

With that spirit in mind, JD decided to undertake a unique project. He wrote a book titled "Couches of America," a heartfelt exploration of the cultural significance of couches across different American households. Each chapter would feature stories from families of varying backgrounds, showcasing how their couches had witnessed pivotal moments in their lives.

He spent the summer traveling across the Midwest, visiting homes where couches were the silent witnesses to everything from family game nights to deep talks about life. He met with a couple who had raised their children on a floral-patterned couch passed down from their grandparents, the fabric worn but sturdy. He came across a single mother whose couch had been a refuge during late-night studying sessions.

As he gathered these stories, Vance found himself reexamining his own life. He began to see parallels between the couches he encountered and his own journey. Each one had its own character, the fading fabric or scuffed armrests telling tales of love, loss, and perseverance. He learned to appreciate the beauty in imperfections, the way they could symbolize a life well-lived.

One rainy afternoon, JD found himself sitting on an old recliner in a dimly lit living room in a small town. The host, a retired factory worker, shared how his couch had witnessed long hours of solitude after retirement, the echo of his late wife’s laughter still lingering in the air. JD listened intently, realizing how these stories bound them all together, transcending politics and socio-economic divides.

The book was ultimately more than a collection of anecdotes; it became a manifesto about the human experience, the couches serving as metaphors for resilience, comfort, and connection. Vance infused his own journey into the narrative, illustrating how the couches of his past had shaped his views on community and empathy.

When "Couches of America" finally hit the shelves, the response was overwhelming. The book resonated with many, opening discussions about the places in which we seek comfort and the emotional landscapes that couches symbolize. JD held readings in living rooms across the country, inviting community members to share their own couch stories, each gathering imbued with a sense of warmth and camaraderie.

One evening, as he prepared for a reading in a suburban living room, surrounded by eager faces, he paused to take it all in. There was something powerful about connecting with others through the simple act of sharing memories on a couch. He realized that while life could be chaotic and divisive, there were moments of softness, spaces where stories intertwined, reminding everyone that they were not alone.

As he settled on a plush, blue couch to begin reading, JD Vance smiled, understanding now that his love for couches was about much more than comfort—it was about the human experience and the connections that bound us together. And in that moment, nestled between the armrests of stories both told and yet to be shared, he found a profound sense of belonging.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Vader vs Godzilla

 In a distant galaxy, there lived two powerful beings - Darth Vader, the infamous Sith Lord, and Godzilla, the monstrous creature that towered over all. Darth Vader had been traveling through space on a mission for the Emperor when he received a distress signal from a nearby planet. Curiosity piqued, he decided to investigate. As he approached the planet, he noticed a fierce battle raging on the surface. Buildings were being destroyed, and the ground was shaking with each step of the colossal Godzilla. Vader knew he had to act quickly before the creature caused more damage. With a swift motion of his lightsaber, Vader landed on the ground and faced Godzilla. The two locked eyes, and a battle of epic proportions began. Vader's lightsaber clashed against Godzilla's powerful tail, creating sparks that lit up the sky. The Sith Lord's mastery of the Force allowed him to levitate objects and throw them at the creature, but Godzilla's thick hide protected it from most attacks. Just when it seemed like Vader had the upper hand, Godzilla unleashed a powerful atomic breath that knocked him off his feet. The Sith Lord quickly got back up and used the Force to create a protective shield around himself. The battle continued, with both adversaries using all their strength and power to defeat the other. But as the fight raged on, something unexpected happened. A portal opened up in the sky, and a group of Jedi Knights from a different dimension appeared. Sensing the danger, Vader and Godzilla stopped their battle and joined forces to defeat the new threat. Together, they fought the Jedi, using their combined powers to overcome the powerful warriors. After the battle, Vader and Godzilla stood victorious, their differences forgotten as they looked out at the destruction around them. They both knew that this was just a temporary truce, and they would continue their fight another day. And as the portal closed, Vader couldn't help but feel a sense of respect for the mighty creature that had stood by his side. Perhaps, in another world, they could have been allies instead of enemies.

Friday, July 26, 2024

Make pizza,great again


Make pizza great again

 Once upon a time in a bustling town called Naptown, a curious rumor began to spread like wildfire: Donald Trump, the former president known for his signature hair and bold statements, had a secret obsession. It wasn't wealth or power, but pizza.

It began one sunny afternoon at a local pizza festival. With booths lined up, each serving unique, mouthwatering slices, the aroma of dough, cheese, and tomato sauce filled the air. Among the crowd was a group of enthusiastic pizza lovers, who were completely unaware that Trump himself was driving down from his lavish estate in Mar-a-Lago.

As he stepped out of his black SUV, dressed in a tailored suit that seemed a bit out of place at a casual festival, the crowd erupted into a mix of cheers and gasps. Trump waved his hands, his trademark grin stretching from ear to ear. He had a secret mission: he wanted to find the best slice of pizza in Naptown.

"Believe me, folks, I know pizza. I’ve had the best!" Trump boomed as he made his way to the first booth, which offered a classic pepperoni slice. As he took a bite, his eyes lit up. "Incredible! This is the kind of pizza people can rally behind!"

Martha, the booth owner, blushed and beamed as if she’d just received a presidential award. “Thank you, Mr. Trump! We use only the finest ingredients!”

Trump continued his adventure, hopping from booth to booth. He encountered unique pies, from the Hawaiian with its controversial pineapple to a spicy buffalo chicken extravaganza. With each slice, he offered his enthusiastic critique. “Tremendous! But we need more cheese on that one!” he exclaimed after biting into a thin-crust Margherita.

The festival-goers were thrilled, snapping selfies with the former president and excitedly sharing their pizza experiences on social media. Suddenly, Trump announced, “Let’s have a pizza-eating contest! The winner gets a VIP tour of Mar-a-Lago and a lifetime supply of pizza!”

The crowd erupted in cheers as participants stepped forward. As they munched and munched, Trump donned a red apron that said “Make Pizza Great Again” and judged their performance with all the seriousness of a presidential debate. “Tremendous effort here, folks! A true champion!”

As the day wore on, Trump’s love for pizza transformed the festival into a celebration of flavors and creativity. People started sharing heartwarming stories about their favorite pizza memories. One woman shared how her late grandmother had taught her to make the perfect pie, instilling in her the joy of bringing friends together over dinner. Trump listened intently, nodding, genuinely engaged.

Finally, as the sun began to set, and the festival was nearing its end, Trump announced the overall winner — a teenage girl named Lily who had created a groundbreaking combination of mac and cheese pizza. “This is it! This is what America needs — innovation!” he declared, lifting her hands in triumph.

Lily was ecstatic. “Thank you, Mr. Trump! I can’t believe I won!”

With a final wave to the crowd, Trump announced, “I’m going to have a slice of this amazing mac and cheese pizza at Mar-a-Lago! We’re making pizza great again, folks!”

As he drove away, the festival buzzed with excitement, not only for the pizza but for the unexpected joy of the day. Naptown had united over their shared love of dough and cheese, and they would remember that sunny afternoon as the day the pizza-loving president showed up to savor their creations and share in their stories.

And so, the legend of Trump's pizza obsession grew, inspiring townsfolk to create new flavors and celebrate their culinary culture, knowing that sometimes, the simplest things can bring people together in the most extraordinary ways.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Protocols of Zion


Every republic passes through various stages

 Every republic passes through various stages. The first stage is the first days raging of the _ blind, sweeping and destroying right and left. The second, the reign of the demagogue, bringing forth anarchy and entailing despotism. This despotism is not officially legal, and, therefore, irresponsible; it is concealed and invisible, but, all the same, lets itself be felt. It is generally controlled by some secret organisation, which acts behind the back of some agent, and will, therefore, be the more unscrupulous and daring. This secret power will not mind changing its agents who mask it. The changes will even help the organisation, which will thus be able to rid itself of old servants, to whom it would have been necessary to pay larger bonuses for long service. Who or what can dethrone an invisible power? Now this is just what our government is. The masonic lodge throughout the world unconsciously acts as a mask for our purpose. But the use that we are going to make of this power in our plan of action, and even our headquarters, remain perpetually unknown to the world at large.

Liberty could be harmless and exist in governments and countries without being detrimental to the welfare of the people, if it were based on religion and fear of God, on human fraternity, free from ideas of equality, which are in direct contradiction to the laws of creation, and which have ordained submission.

Sunday, July 21, 2024



Title: The Fabric of Illusion

 Title: The Fabric of Illusion

In a world not unlike our own, nestled between the folds of time and space, there existed a city called Veritas. It was a place of shimmering glass towers, swirling nebulae painted across the sky, and streets that seemed to change direction based on the whims of its inhabitants. In Veritas, every morning would greet its citizens with a choice: remain in the confines of perceived reality or step into the unknown and unravel the threads of existence.

Elara, a young woman with wild copper curls and eyes that sparkled with mischief, lived a double life. By day, she was an ordinary librarian, her time spent cataloging ancient tomes and mediating between whispering books. By night, she was an explorer of dreams, diving headfirst into the enigmatic fabric that created their world. The tales of her adventures were whispered in hushed tones among the city's inhabitants, for they knew little of the hidden truths that lay just beyond their reach.

One fateful evening, while browsing through the dusty shelves of the library, Elara stumbled upon a weathered book unlike any she had seen before. Its cover was a deep shade of indigo, embellished with shimmering silver letters that read, “The Truth of Shadows.” Intrigued, she opened it, revealing pages filled with cryptic symbols and sketches of magical landscapes that danced before her eyes. As she flipped through the chapters, a single phrase echoed in her mind: “Reality doesn’t exist.”

The words resonated within Elara, igniting something deep inside her. She closed her eyes, clutching the book tightly, and suddenly felt a pull, as if the fabric of reality was unraveling around her. When she opened them again, she was no longer in the library. Instead, she stood in a vast, vibrant expanse lit by two suns. The sky shifted in hues of lavender and gold, and the ground beneath her trembled gently, alive with energy.

“Welcome, seeker,” said a voice that seemed to emanate from the air itself. A figure materialized before her—a tall being with skin that shimmered like the night sky, swirling with constellations. “I am Kael, Weaver of Realities. You’ve unlocked the doorway to the realm beyond perception.”

“What do you mean? Reality doesn’t exist?” Elara asked, her heart racing.

Kael smiled enigmatically. “What you call reality is but a tapestry woven from the dreams, fears, and desires of countless souls. It is the sum of collective beliefs, a mere reflection in a pool that deepens and shifts with every thought.”

Elara's mind swirled with possibilities as she gazed at the vibrant world around her. It felt more alive than anything she had known. “But how can I reshape it? How can I change what I see, what I feel?”

“The question is not how to change it, beloved seeker, but rather to understand that you are the weaver of your own tapestry. It’s time for you to recognize your power,” Kael instructed, gesturing to the infinite kaleidoscope of realities unfolding before her. “Each thread is a choice, each pattern a belief. Embrace your ability to create.”

With newfound determination, Elara focused her thoughts, envisioning her aspirations, her fears, and her dreams. As she did, she saw radiant threads emerging, intertwining and forming patterns that danced to her desires. The vibrant world pulsed, shifting in response to her energy—the sky darkened, blossoming with galaxies as she began to weave a tapestry of light.

But with every masterpiece comes a shadow. As Elara created, she also unearthed the darker threads—the fears that her mind had hidden, the insecurities that clawed at her spirit. Stumbling upon them, she hesitated, feeling a wave of doubt crash over her. “What if I undo everything?”

Kael appeared beside her, the shimmer of the cosmos swirling around him. “Fear is a part of the weave, just as love is. Acknowledge it, for in acceptance lies your strength. Remember, you are not just the creator; you are also the observer. Allow yourself to experience both the beauty and darkness without judgment.”

Taking a deep breath, Elara embraced her shadows. Instead of flinching, she wove them into her tapestry. As she did, something extraordinary happened—the fears transformed, emerging as lessons learned, illuminating her tapestry with depth and richness. The once dark threads sparkled like constellations, revealing their true nature.

With the completion of her masterpiece, the world around her shimmered and shook. Elara realized she had woven a new reality—one that transcended the limitations of her previous existence. She had unlocked a world where impossibilities danced with possibilities.

As she stood before the altar of creation, the skies changed, settling into a serene twilight. Kael smiled, pride evident in his gaze. “You have awakened to your truth, Elara. Remember, reality is but a canvas. Forge forward, not only for yourself but for all who dwell in Veritas.”

And so, Elara returned to her city, the book clutched tight to her chest, her heart glowing with newfound wisdom. With each passing day, she shared her journey, awakening others to the illusion of their confines and encouraging them to weave their own tapestries.

Reality didn’t exist; what thrived was the power of creativity, the beauty of belief, and the magic of transformation. Together, they would rewrite the story of Veritas, one thread at a time.

Biden loves Hitler

 In a surreal twist of fate, the world found itself caught in an alternate timeline where the unthinkable happened: Joe Biden, the 46th president of the United States, became entwined in a peculiar relationship with none other than Adolf Hitler, the infamous dictator of Nazi Germany.

The story begins in a dimension where time and history folded into themselves like a crumpled piece of paper. In this world, a mysterious time portal appeared in the heart of Washington, D.C., one that connected different eras and realities. Curious and bold, President Biden ventured into the portal, driven by a desire to understand the past more fully.

Upon stepping through, he found himself in a grand, dimly lit hall lined with portraits of formidable leaders throughout history. Among them, a figure stood out—a man with a distinctive mustache and piercing eyes, dressed in a military uniform. It was Adolf Hitler, not as a tyrant but as a captivating figure who spoke of ambition, strength, and unity—twisting perceptions from the distorted historical accounts.

Biden, ever the empathetic leader, found himself intrigued by Hitler's words. Instead of the darkness and devastation he had learned about in school, he encountered a version of Hitler defined by charisma and an unquenchable thirst for power. In this alternate reality, Hitler had managed to charm his way into a different kind of leadership—a governance that sought to unify people under a banner of strength rather than oppression.

As days turned into weeks, a bond formed between the two leaders. They discussed politics, governance, and humanity's potential for greatness. The line between right and wrong blurred, as what was once unimaginable began to take root. Biden saw the allure of strength that Hitler presented—a vision that could rally nations.

Amidst the backdrop of impending chaos in the timeline, Biden found himself deeply conflicted. The leaders deliberated on a hypothetical pact that could unite their respective followers. Would they rewrite history? Create a new world order based on strength and shared ideals? The notion materialized into something deeper—a camaraderie that led to an unconventional marriage.

In a ceremony attended by an eclectic assembly of historical figures, Biden and Hitler exchanged vows, standing on the precipice of a new era. They envisioned a world where they could prioritize unity over division, where dialogue replaced violence.

But reality began to creep in. As whispers of their union echoed through time, cracks in their utopian vision appeared. Conflicting ideologies clashed more fiercely than ever before. Histories that had once seemed reconciled snarled back to life as societal divisions festered beneath the surface.

In the ensuing months after their wedding, the world could either step towards an era defined by collaboration or plunge back into a chasm of chaos driven by humanity's darkest impulses. As Biden and Hitler grappled with their union's implications, they realized that true strength was not about power or control but about understanding, forgiveness, and shared humanity.

In a poignant twist, they decided to address their followers together, hoping to inspire a movement towards empathy rather than dominance. However, as they took the stage, the grip of history surged, pulling them back to their respective timelines. The portal flickered, threatening to dissolve their alliance and shatter their dream.

With a final glance at each other, a shared understanding passed between them. They were products of their times, figures shaped by the weight of their legacies. As the portal closed, Biden returned to his world, forever changed—aware that history could not be rewritten, but could be learned from; while Hitler faced the reality of his own actions and choices.

The world would remember this bizarre chapter, the union of two divergent figures, not as horror, but as an everlasting reminder of the dangers of losing sight of compassion in the pursuit of strength. And so, the timelines continued, teaching the future that love, understanding, and empathy must always come before power.

sun-soaked town of Willow Creek

 Once upon a time in the small, sun-soaked town of Willow Creek, there lived two siblings, Emma and Jake. Emma, the elder by three years, had always been the center of attention. With her radiant smile, sparkling green eyes, and effortless charm, she seemed to illuminate every room she entered. Jake, on the other hand, was more reserved, preferring the company of books and video games to the local social scene.

Growing up, Jake was often overshadowed by his sister’s popularity. Friends would always gather around Emma, laughing at her jokes and complimenting her style, while Jake quietly observed from the sidelines. Yet, despite the attention Emma garnered, Jake admired her fiercely. To him, she wasn't just the girl with the captivating looks; she was his sister, his confidante, and his biggest supporter.

One warm summer day, their town announced the annual Willow Creek Festival—an event filled with food stalls, games, and a talent show that drew in participants and spectators from all over. Emma was excited to sign up for the main event: a dance routine she had been perfecting with her friends. The whole town would be there, and her heart raced at the thought of performing.

“Are you going to be there?” Emma asked Jake as she practiced her moves in the living room.

“Of course,” Jake replied, though he felt a hint of dread. While he loved supporting his sister, he knew the focus would be on her bright talent, not his quiet presence.

As the night of the festival arrived, the air shimmered with anticipation. The main square was filled with bright lights and laughter. Emma was a vision—her flowy dress danced around her as she moved, and her confidence radiated like the stars above. Jake couldn’t help but watch with a mix of admiration and pride, even as he felt his insecurities bubble to the surface.

When it was finally Emma's turn to perform, the crowd erupted in cheers. She took the stage, and as the music began, she transformed into a whirlwind of energy. Jake felt his heart swell as he watched his sister shine. But when he glanced around, he noticed the palpable energy of admiration from the audience—many boys and girls were captivated by Emma’s charm, and it made him feel even smaller.

Just then, a girl named Ava approached Jake, noticing his fidgeting.

“Hey, are you Emma’s brother?” she asked, her eyes twinkling with curiosity.

“Yeah,” Jake mumbled, slightly embarrassed.

“She’s amazing! Everyone’s talking about her,” Ava said, giving him a friendly smile. “You must be so proud!”

“I am,” he replied, a genuine smile creeping across his face. Suddenly, he realized that while he might feel overshadowed sometimes, he also had his own strengths—his loyalty, his kindness, and his unwavering support for his sister.

After the dance, the crowd’s cheers echoed in his ears as Emma took her bow. She spotted Jake in the audience and gave him a bright smile, her eyes sparkling with joy. In that moment, Jake realized that he didn’t need to compete with Emma; their relationship was special in its own right. She inspired him to be the best version of himself, just as he encouraged her in his quieter moments.

Later that evening, as they walked home under the glow of the streetlights, Emma turned to Jake. “Thanks for coming to watch me, Jake. It means a lot.”

He shrugged, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world. You were incredible—like, seriously.”

“Really?” she asked, genuine joy lighting her face.

“Absolutely. You’re not just hot,” Jake teased, “you’re also super talented and fun to watch.”

Emma laughed, nudging him playfully. “And you're pretty awesome yourself, you know?”

As they walked together, talking and laughing, Jake realized that being Emma’s brother was its own kind of special—there was no need to measure worth against her glow. He was proud of their unbreakable bond, and in that moment, he understood that feeling overshadowed didn’t mean he didn’t shine in his own way. After all, family was about lifting each other up, celebrating each other’s victories, and cherishing the warmth of love that flowed between them.

And so, in the heart of Willow Creek, they continued to support one another, a radiant sister and her quiet, steadfast brother, each adding their unique brilliance to the tapestry of life.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Cross my heart and hope to die

 Here’s the complete poem. Enjoy!

Cross my heart
and hope to die
stick a needle in my eye
wait a moment,
i spoke a lie
i never really
wanted to die.
but if i may
and if i might
my heart is open
for tonight
though my lips are sealed
and a promise is true
i won't break my word
my word to you.

Cross my heart
hope to die
stick a needle in my eye.
a secret's a secret
my word is forever
i will tell no one
about your cruel endeavor.
you claim no pain
but i see right through
your words in
everything you do.
teary eyes
broken heart
life has torn
you apart

Cross my heart
hope to die
stick a needle in my eye
i loved you then
i love you now
i'll still love you
though i'll break my vow.
i can't hold this secret
any longer
it's hurting you
not making you stronger.
you're my friend
so i'll risk your respect
by hurting you
i can protect
i'll save yourself
since you will not
you might hate me
but i'll give it a shot.
i'm willing to risk
our bond that we own
so long as you're safe
you won't be alone.

Cross my heart
hope to die
stick a needle in my eye
break my promise
tell a lie
save my friend
though, maybe it's 'bye.'

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Why are you being so mean?

 Why are you being so mean? Grow up! There is more to the universe than your measly little emotions! Grow up! Get over your feelings, over your sadness every time you don't get your own way! Grow up! The world does not revolve around what you want! Grow up! Get over your feelings. If it's "mean" to you for me to speak the truth, then the problem is with you!

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Dada poem

 G is a love for a cosmonaut.

The plot is a love of the cold war 2.

Zombie football is zombie sisters.

X-Ray vision is zombie sisters.

Great chess game.

Your submission isn't automatically removed because it does not include zero karma.

Russian funeral is zombie sisters.

Saint Pinytus is zombie sisters!

Children of God