Friday, April 28, 2023

When a client seeks private counseling, the government has no right to be in the room.



When a client seeks private counseling, the government has no right to be in the room.

That’s as true for Brian Tingley, a licensed counselor in the state of Washington, as it is of every counselor.

Brian has been a licensed counselor in Washington for over 20 years, serving clients from all walks of life—adults, couples, teenagers, children—by helping them achieve their goals and pursue meaningful, positive change. 

But in an aggressive move, the state of Washington is trying to censor conversations between counselors and clients by controlling what counselors can say. 

Washington law prohibits any conversation between individuals and their chosen counselor that seeks to help the client achieve comfort with his or her biological sex or reduce unwanted same-sex attractions. 

The law prevents Brian from helping clients pursue goals that they choose for themselves. This includes clients who desire this counseling to help them bring their hearts, minds, and conduct in line with the teachings of their faith.


If Brian continues to practice counseling according to what he believes are best practices for helping patients achieve success—and in line with his convictions—he faces fines of up to $5,000 per violation, suspension from practice, and even losing his license and livelihood.

I’m proud to be on the Alliance Defending Freedom team representing Brian’s right to speak freely.

His free speech is on the line, and when the government can decide what Brian can and can’t say, then they can do the same to you and me.  

We’ve seen enough. The government must respect the freedom to discuss beliefs about human sexuality that are shared by many Christians, Jews, and Muslims—and people of no faith.

In this case, the children of Washington suffer the most.

Washington State’s overreach is even more egregious when you realize how many children could suffer permanent damage from counselors and online influencers pushing them towards experimental, life-altering chemical trials and even surgery. 

Such children need an opportunity to heal and recover their true self, and that’s what Brian tries to do in his counseling. No more, no less. He never works with any client who doesn’t want to work with him, and never presses any client towards any goal they do not want for themselves.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit inexplicably ruled that Washington’s law did not regulate Brian’s speech. It claimed the law only regulated “conduct,” not speech.

But the Ninth Circuit got it wrong here, and we’ve appealed Brian’s case to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Washington’s law censors conversations between clients and counselors like Brian by dictating which personal goals they can or can’t talk about.

We want a free America. That’s why Alliance Defending Freedom is standing with Brian, and I’m blessed to be on the team representing both his rights and those of every American.

It’s bigger than Brian. It’s bigger than the state of Washington. But Brian is standing up so others, we hope, do not have to.


For faith and freedom,

Roger Brooks
Senior Counsel, Center for Conscience Initiatives
Alliance Defending Freedom

P.S. Washington State is attempting to censor Brian Tingley’s speech in a manner that puts children in danger and everyone’s right to speak freely in doubt. And as we look to the Supreme Court to take up Brian’s critical case, Alliance Defending Freedom is looking for 1,000 new Ministry Friends to join ADF in defending our most basic rights. See what you can do to help. And find out more about Brian's brave stand for truth.

Alliance Defending Freedom

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