Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Dada poem 4

 For example I don't think that means anything.

I'm not sure if you love the word of being in love with your left hand.

Read your last sentence to me!

You child yourself?

It sounds good but romantic interest is just not that much.

If you don't want to be able to be in love with your parents,

Then add me alone to the doctor who wins the next few months of Narnia!

It's awesome👍 but romantic interest in love with Darth Vader is repulsive for whistling and the other person.

One hot girl is repulsive to me and pearl harbor!?

If pastors had a civil war on a war in love with Darth Vader,

You are not sure if you love your kingdom by a grown up man!

This isn't really a new thing to do with Darth Vader?

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