Friday, December 22, 2023

You don't exist


Stop believing in reality!

 Stop believing in reality! You're A bigot when you do such! Truth doesn't exist. You freak! You Nazi! You swine! You horse @#$%! Curse you! 💖 Curse you to all curses! Reality is intolerant! You Klu Klux Kousun lover! You are calling everyone a liar! You freakopath! Curse you!💖 Curse you to all curses! You Nazi! How dare you believe that you can know anything, you piece of 🍰 Klu Klux Khristianity! Curse you and your Kluklux Khristmas! You @#$% burger! @&$%& you! Reality doesn't exist! You are Klu Klux Kumfortable with calling everyone liars! You biggot! Reality doesn't matter, so @%#& yourself! And stop guzzling your KluKlux Kool-aid, you KluKlux Kreationist!



Friday, December 15, 2023

Dada poem 3

 Get he dummy d need they btw

The ent gene g bent the tbd they fund

My end the guns gen gangs be bench gen

Engage rents gang st sync g cyber sync

Bench bench n and hence NYC he he

Btw sync they btw be genre n get d vs

Egg sync get nd btw chef beg by synch beg 





Monday, December 11, 2023



Dada poem2

 And creepy as a kid.

I am so big that I am so big that I have a favourite anime villain?

The color red is a love.

You are not bad at that.

You close Dementor teaching reading.

Zombie football is zombie sisters.

X-Ray vision was zero zero zombie game.

Vader in zero zombie games.

Baby zombie sisters are better than zombies.

Very Halloween and air X-Ray just imagination and air pressure.

Your zip code zone is zombie game and Vampire time!

Unless you're zero zombie apocalypse?

Dada poem

 G is a love for a cosmonaut. The plot is a love of the cold war 2. Zombie football is zombie sisters. X-Ray vision is zombie sisters. Great...