Saturday, July 8, 2023

Shakespeare by Nabokov


Shakespeare by Nabokov

Amid grandees of times Elizabethan
you shimmered too, you followed sumptuous custom;
the circle of ruff, the silv'ry satin that
encased your thigh, the wedgelike beard - in all of this
you were like other men… Thus was enfolded
your godlike thunder in a succinct cape.

Haughty, aloof from theatre's alarums,
you easily, regretlessly relinquished
the laurels twinning into a dry wreath,
concealing for all time your. monstrous genius
beneath a mask; and yet, your phantasm's echoes
still vibrate for us; your Venetian Moor,
his anguish; Falstaff's visage, like an udder
with pasted-on mustache; the raging Lear..
You are among us, you're alive; your name, though,
your image, too - deceiving, thus, the world
you have submerged in your beloved Lethe.
It's true, of course, a usurer had grown
accustomed, for a sum, to sign your work
(that Shakespeare - Will - who played the Ghost in Hamlet,
who lives in pubs, and died before he could
digest in full his portion of a boar's head)…

The frigate breathed, your country you were leaving,
To Italy you went. A female voice
called singsong through the iron's pattern
called to her balcony the tall inglesse,
grown languid from the lemon-tinted moon
and Verona's streets. My inclination
is to imagine, possibly, the droll
and kind creator of Don Quixote
exchanging with you a few casual words
while waiting for fresh horses - and the evening
was surely blue. The well behind the tavern
contained a pail's pure tinkling sound… Reply
whom did you love? Reveal yourself - whose memoirs
refer to you in passing? Look what numbers
of lowly, worthless souls have left their trace,
what countless names Brantome has for the asking!
Reveal yourself, god of iambic thunder,
you hundred-mouthed, unthinkably great bard!

No! At the destined hour, when you felt banished
by God from your existence, you recalled
those secret manuscripts, fully aware
that your supremacy would rest unblemished
by public rumor's unashamed brand,
that ever, midst the shifting dust of ages,
faceless you'd stay, like immortality

itself - then vanished in the distance, smiling 

Who took the cookie¿‽


Thursday, July 6, 2023



'A federal grand jury has indicted Donald Trump on seven criminal charges in connection with his mishandling of more than 100 classified documents that were discovered at his Mar-a-Lago resort, making the twice-impeached former commander-in-chief the first former president to face federal criminal charges.'

The charges include (but are not limited to): Conspiracy to obstruct justice, making false statements, and violation of the Espionage Act to distribute classified materials to other countries or spies.

Donald Trump is unfit to run for President or hold office ever again. And that doesn’t even take into account the fact he illegally pressured election officials to overturn the results of the 2020 election and instigated the first attack on our Capitol in 200 years.

Leading Democrats are calling for the 14th Amendment to be invoked to make Donald Trump INELIGIBLE to run for President again.

Matthew → Add your name if you want to see Democrats invoke the 14th Amendment to BAR Donald Trump from being able to run for President again.


Thank you,

314 Action

chocolate tea


Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Bacon cookies


Vanilla cookies



 Oh Say Can You See

By the dawn's early light, I think of skin; I think of how
Light can shine through my eyelids no matter how hard I close them.

I question, do they see
a lampshade at a neo-Nazi party?

When I think of eyelids
I pet mine with flower petals soaking.

We soak up the sun's rays to make chlorophyll.
Am I a daisy pushed up after someone has died?

When I think of flower petals
I think of honey bees hovering over the sex organs of flowers

and tongues
of black bears. Am I a black bear starving in the forest for lack of bees?

When I think of black bears
I think of polar bears who have white fur but black skin.

Am I a polar bear starving in the Arctic for lack of ice
and seal prey? When I think of I.C.E. I think of brown

skin, that looks just like mine, trying to make it in America.
Am I American if neo-Nazis are running America?

When I think of America, my body aches
for something more protective than skin. Skin is only skin deep.

Skin is only skin

Deep. Black-Red-Yellow-Brown as brown can be. 

Sunday, July 2, 2023


 salamander cartoon

My sister found two salamanders,
Said she wanted more,
Said she’d like to start a farm,
Or salamander store…
She trusted the terrarium,
To keep them wet and damp,
“We’ll have some baby salamanders!”
Before we leave for camp!
Sister waited day and night,
For babies to appear,
But never saw new crawly things,
She searched from front to rear…
Suddenly she noticed!
And what she saw was great!
She witnessed swimming, tiny things,
She counted, there were eight!
“I got no salamanders,
It looks like I got fish,
fish cartoon
They’re super wiggly, swimming quickly,
In the water’s dish…”
Surprisingly they crawled out,
Very, very strange!
Emerged right from the water,
They’d undergone a change!
“They looked like little fishies!
But now they creep on land,
They’re breathing air!
They’re growing legs!
They’re walking in the sand!
My mother said,
“Just stop,
I’ll speak to you with candor,
What you thought were baby fish,
Were larval salamander!
They weren’t little fishies,
It’s metamorphosis!
Baby salamanders,

Aren’t baby fish!” 

Thursday, June 29, 2023

The One Thing That Can Save America

 🌈The One Thing That Can Save America

Is anything central?
Orchards flung out on the land,
Urban forests, rustic plantations, knee-high hills?
Are place names central?
Elm Grove, Adcock Corner, Story Book Farm?
As they concur with a rush at eye level
Beating themselves into eyes which have had enough
Thank you, no more thank you.
And they come on like scenery mingled with darkness
The damp plains, overgrown suburbs,
Places of known civic pride, of civil obscurity.
These are connected to my version of America
But the juice is elsewhere.
This morning as I walked out of your room
After breakfast crosshatched with
Backward and forward glances, backward into light,
Forward into unfamiliar light,
Was it our doing, and was it
The material, the lumber of life, or of lives
We were measuring, counting?
A mood soon to be forgotten
In crossed girders of light, cool downtown shadow
In this morning that has seized us again?
I know that I braid too much on my own
Snapped-off perceptions of things as they come to me.
They are private and always will be.
Where then are the private turns of event
Destined to bloom later like golden chimes
Released over a city from a highest tower?
The quirky things that happen to me, and I tell you,
And you know instantly what I mean?
What remote orchard reached by winding roads
Hides them? Where are these roots?
It is the lumps and trials
That tell us whether we shall be known
And whether our fate can be exemplary, like a star.
All the rest is waiting
For a letter that never arrives,
Day after day, the exasperation
Until finally you have ripped it open not knowing what it is,
The two envelope halves lying on a plate.
The message was wise, and seemingly
Dictated a long time ago.
Its truth is timeless, but its time has still
Not arrived, telling of danger, and the mostly limited
Steps that can be taken against danger
Now and in the future, in cool yards,
In quiet small houses in the country,
Our country, in fenced areas, in cool shady streets.

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Vanilla ice cream


Mahler—Son Borne of the Street Song BY JUAN FELIPE HERRERA

  Mahler—Son Borne of the Street Song

Inspired by the life of Gustav Mahler and his last symphony, No. 9 in D Major

in the darkness
in the exile—there is a sigh, a number 9
there is a son borne of the street song, the injured timpani red drum
there is a town,  Jihlava, a make-shift theatre &
rough-cut street dancers, there is a sky that welcomes him
his furious strings tasking the universe, his weaving of all things

the piccolo & the flute
oboes of furies tiny streams of burning slow breath
we wait in silence & face up
we notice the heavens the turbulence &
wild sharp strokes & pieces of banned color & banned voices
their outcast Jewish hymn takes us to the endless seas
unknown choruses unknown winds & collapsing worlds
we enter we follow we enter we halt we are halted
vanishing harmonies you walk through quadrants of space
music what is it one note encompasses everything
one oboe returns why
your life beginning your life almost ending then ending
what do you hear in this vastness this movement before you
unknown forces whirl violins & the dead
the director’s arms & hands sway shaking point dissolve
only still we stand now we only
left alone only Gustav Mahler lives on
by this bed this night this day this last cycle
falls into an ever returning descent of sound
a voice a voice do you hear it hear it

Children of God