Friday, September 23, 2022

Before you do anything life-changing

 Before you do anything life changing, before you do anything that you can not ever take back ever, before you do this, ask yourself long and hard and seriously ask yourself if this thing that you are about to do is really something that you have actually chosen! You should not let culture dictate your thoughts! You should not let culture dictate your actions! Look at yourself long and hard! Look away from Facebook and Tumblr! Look into your own soul! Ask your own soul this! Don't be a sheep!

🎀 .“It Out-Herods Herod. Pray You, Avoid It.”

 .It Out-Herods Herod. Pray You, Avoid It.”

Tonight my children hunch
Toward their Western, and are glad   
As, with a Sunday punch,
The Good casts out the Bad.

And in their fairy tales
The warty giant and witch
Get sealed in doorless jails
And the match-girl strikes it rich.

I’ve made myself a drink.
The giant and witch are set
To bust out of the clink
When my children have gone to bed.

All frequencies are loud
With signals of despair;
In flash and morse they crowd   
The rondure of the air.

For the wicked have grown strong,   
Their numbers mock at death,   
Their cow brings forth its young,   
Their bull engendereth.

Their very fund of strength,   
Satan, bestrides the globe;
He stalks its breadth and length   
And finds out even Job.

Yet by quite other laws
My children make their case;   
Half God, half Santa Claus,   
But with my voice and face,

A hero comes to save
The poorman, beggarman, thief,   
And make the world behave   
And put an end to grief.

And that their sleep be sound   
I say this childermas
Who could not, at one time,   
Have saved them from the gas.

Bisexual day


Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Dear MoveOn member,

 Dear MoveOn member,

In an interview on conservative radio last week, Donald Trump issued a breathtaking threat if he is indicted for stealing classified documents from the White House. He said, "I think you'd have problems in this country the likes of which perhaps we've never seen before. I don't think the people of the United States would stand for it."1

His rhetoric is eerily similar to his rallying calls in the lead-up to the January 6 white supremacist insurrection.

Lindsey Graham was even more explicit, saying that if Trump is prosecuted for his crimes, there would be "riots in the street."2

Trump and his cronies know exactly what they're doing. They know that they are putting out a call to the same white supremacist militias that perpetrated the violence on January 6, telling them to be prepared to do it again should the Justice Department—rightfully—charge Trump for any of his myriad crimes.

The GOP has made it clear: They believe that their side is above the law, and they are willing to advocate for violence if they are held accountable for their crimes.

And yet, they are a hair's breadth away from taking control of the House, Senate, and expanding their grip on governors' offices and statehouses around the country. We cannot let that happen.

That's why MoveOn is running the largest midterm election program in our 23-year history, investing millions of dollars into the exact races that will decide control of Congress and will stop MAGA extremists from holding an iron grip over state governments. Will you help power this critical work by chipping in $3 a week? (MoveOn will bill your weekly donation to your credit card once a month starting today and will contact you shortly after the election to see if you want to modify or cancel your weekly donation.)

Count me in.

No, I'm sorry, I can't chip in weekly.

Tiumothy, we know that you are getting inundated with asks for money right now, so we want to make sure you know why MoveOn is the right place to donate in this midterm fight.

  • We have the reach to make a difference. There are MoveOn members in every single congressional district in the country, which means that unlike many other organizations, we are able to mobilize and reach voters across the United States, helping to increase turnout precisely where it is needed most.
  • Every decision MoveOn makes is backed by data. In 2022, MoveOn is laser-focused on turning out what we are calling "surge voters," or those who voted for the first time in 2018 and 2020. To make sure we are as effective as we can be, our analytics teams are using highly detailed message testing to identify exactly which messages and specific ads will best engage the specific audiences we need to win.
  • MoveOn has targeted our work to be the most impactful. Instead of blanketing our work equally across every race, MoveOn has spent months identifying the specific candidates for Senate, House, governor, and secretary of state who will be on the front lines of defending our congressional majorities and stopping a MAGA extremist takeover in the states. By focusing all of our work on these races, we can have an even larger impact.

With our bodily autonomy, right to vote, health care, and future of our planet—just to name a few—at risk this election, we need your support more than ever. Can you chip in $3 a week to keep this work going, Tiumothy? (MoveOn will bill your weekly donation to your credit card once a month starting today and will contact you shortly after the election to see if you want to modify or cancel your weekly donation.)

Count me in.

No, I'm sorry, I can't chip in weekly.

Tiumothy, the Republican Party has turned into one giant shield whose only goal is to protect Donald Trump from the consequences of his actions.

They voted against his impeachment even when there was abundant evidence that he attempted to bribe the Ukrainian government to provide dirt on his political opponents.

They attempted to overthrow a free and fair election after Trump threw a hissy fit when he lost.

They voted against impeaching him—again—after he incited a riot that took the lives of at least five people on January 6, 2021.

And they are falling all over each other to pretend that he did nothing wrong by keeping highly classified documents in the basement of his beach house—even after they spent years vilifying Hillary Clinton for just the possibility that she had classified information on a private email server (she didn't).

This party has left sanity behind in order to support the dictatorial whims of Donald Trump, and we cannot let them hold the power to write laws, set agendas, and have control over our lives.

Will you help us run full speed ahead through Election Day by chipping in $3 a week? (MoveOn will bill your weekly donation to your credit card once a month starting today and will contact you shortly after the election to see if you want to modify or cancel your weekly donation.)

Count me in.

No, I'm sorry, I can't chip in weekly.

Thanks for all you do.

–Chris, Vickie, Eric, Amy, and the rest of the team


1. "Trump warns of 'problems' like 'we've never seen' if he's indicted," Politico, September 15, 2022

2. Ibid.

Want to support MoveOn's work? Donald Trump and his allies are methodically enacting a plan to place some of Trump's most ardent supporters in key election offices that oversee vote counting, have the power to certify—or decertify—election results, and declare election winners and losers. We've launched a powerful, multimillion-dollar campaign to stop Trump. But we need your help to power our effort.

Will you chip in $3 a week to power our work to stop Trump's coup?

Count me in.

No, I'm sorry, I can't chip in weekly.

PAID FOR BY MOVEON . ORG POLITICAL ACTION, Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

This email was sent to Tiumothy on September 20, 2022. To change your email address or update your contact info, click here. MoveOn's privacy policy was recently updated. To read our new privacy policy, click here. To remove yourself from this list, click here.

Planned Parenthood receives record gov't funding despite drop in health services


Curated for you byCP Editors
Good afternoon! It's Tuesday, September 20, and today's headlines include details on Planned Parenthood's increase in government funding despite it providing services to fewer clients, California Gov. Gavin Newsom's new billboard campaign that endorses abortion availability in the state by citing a Bible verse that includes the words of Jesus, and an interview with Dr. Michael Brown.
Planned Parenthood's 2020-2021 report has revealed that it received more than $633 million in "Government Health Services Reimbursements & Grants" for the year ending June 30, 2021, which accounts for more than one-third of its total revenue. The abortion giant provided services to 2.16 million clients, down from the 2.4 million it served during the same period the year before. While the organization, which is the nation's largest abortion provider, revealed an 8% increase in the total number of abortions performed, services and testing for sexually transmitted infections decreased by more than one million, while cancer screenings were down by nearly 200,000, and contraceptive services decreased from more than 2.5 million to less than 2.2 million during the same period. Adoption referrals also decreased from 2,667 to 1,940. Planned Parenthood acknowledged the reduction in services in the report, stating it was "proud to provide abortion." It further blamed the COVID-19 pandemic for a reduction in services but asserted that "[a]bortion is essential health care that cannot wait for the end of a pandemic or the whims of politicians."
Live Action News' Carole Novielli weighed in on the report, noting that Planned Parenthood has seen a 30% decrease in the number of clients it has served when compared to 2009-2010. Novielli also noted that Planned Parenthood conducted 6.4 million abortions from 2000 to 2020 but provided prenatal care services to a little over 303,000 pregnant women. "To put it in perspective, Planned Parenthood has committed about the same number of abortions every year that it offered in prenatal care services over two decades combined," Novielli wrote. Continue reading.
P.S. Did you hear? CP has launched Freedom Post, a free, twice-weekly newsletter highlighting breaking news and headlines on key issues ranging from freedom to religious liberty. Sign-up today to get FreedomPostdelivered to your inbox every Monday and Thursday. Check out these headlines from our latest issue of Freedom Post:
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Dr. Michael Brown believes that Christians should be involved in politics, but he is concerned about political obsession. In a recent interview with The Christian Post, the author of the recently released book, The Political Seduction of the Church: How Millions of American Christians Have Confused Politics with the Gospel, shared his concerns about Christians merging the Gospel with the elections "as if a political party was the key to advancing God's Kingdom on the earth." Noting the importance of the upcoming 2024 presidential election, Brown explained that "healthy" Christian nationalism is an approach where people say, "I love Jesus, and I love my country," while "unhealthy" nationalism is that which equates America's destiny with the Kingdom of God, and the "very dangerous" version comes when modern-day Christians say, "We're we're going to have to take up arms against the government in the name of Jesus." Read more.
Also of Interest...
Brooklyn Bishop Lamor Whitehead was detained by police on Sunday after he forcefully removed a woman who disrupted his sermon and allegedly threatened his family two months after he was robbed at gunpoint. Two women engaged in a heated exchange with Whitehead during the sermon. Whitehead began praying for the women in tongues before yanking 47-year-old Tarsha Howard by her neck and forcing her out of the church. The other woman fled. Whitehead was briefly detained while police sorted out what happened but was later released without any charge. Howard was charged with trespassing and disrupting a religious service. Read more.
Televangelist and self-proclaimed prophetess Juanita Bynum is defending her $1499.99 four-week intensive prayer course, calling the online criticism she has faced an "insult." Some have compared her course to a prayer meeting, with Chicago-based internet preacher and U.S. Army veteran Marcus Rogers telling his nearly 1 million Facebook followers the price tag was "outrageous." Bynum, who describes herself as a "pioneer" in high-level prayer, addressed naysayers during a Facebook Live Broadcast on Thursday, saying, "I’m not going to insult myself to even discuss the price. It’s an insult to who I am after being in ministry for over 50 years." Read more.

new markdowns


Monday, September 19, 2022




 ❤“Lolita, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul. Lo-lee-ta: the tip of the tongue taking a trip of three steps down the palate to tap, at three, on the teeth. Lo. Lee. Ta. She was Lo, plain Lo, in the morning, standing four feet ten in one sock. She was Lola in slacks. She was Dolly at school. She was Dolores on the dotted line. But in my arms she was always Lolita. Did she have a precursor? She did, indeed she did. In point of fact, there might have been no Lolita at all had I not loved, one summer, an initial girl-child. In a princedom by the sea. Oh when? About as many years before Lolita was born as my age was that summer. You can always count on a murderer for a fancy prose style. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, exhibit number one is what the seraphs, the misinformed, simple, noble-winged seraphs, envied. Look at this tangle of thorns.”

― Vladimir Nabokov, Lolita

Children of God