Wednesday, July 1, 2020

1 maccabees 2

Chapter 2


In those days arose Mathathias the son of John, the son of Simeon, a priest of the sons of Joarib, from Jerusalem, and he abode in the mountain of Modin.


And he had five sons: John who was surnamed Gaddis:


And Simon, who was surnamed Thasi:


And Judas, who was called Machabeus:


And Eleazar, who was surnamed Abaron: and Jonathan, who was surnamed Apphus.


These saw the evils that were done in the people of Juda, and in Jerusalem.


And Mathathias said: Woe is me, wherefore was I born to see the ruin of my people, and the ruin of the holy city, and to dwell there, when it is given into the hands of the enemies?


The holy places are come into the hands of strangers: her temple is become as a man without honour.


The vessels of her glory are carried away captive: her old men are murdered in the streets, and her young men are fallen by the sword of the enemies.


What nation hath not inherited her kingdom, and gotten of her spoils?


All her ornaments are taken away. She that was free is made a slave.


And behold our sanctuary, and our beauty, and our glory is laid waste, and the Gentiles have defiled them.


To what end then should we live any longer?


And Mathathias and his sons rent their garments, and they covered themselves with haircloth, and made great lamentation.


And they that were sent from king Antiochus came thither, to compel them that were fled into the city of Modin, to sacrifice, and to burn incense, and to depart from the law of God.


And many of the people of Israel consented, and came to them: but Mathathias and his sons stood firm.


And they that were sent from Antiochus, answering, said to Mathathias: Thou art a ruler, and an honourable, and great man in this city, and adorned with sons, and brethren.


Therefore come thou first, and obey the king's commandment, as all nations have done, and the men of Juda, and they that remain in Jerusalem: and thou, and thy sons, shall be in the number of the king's friends, and enriched with gold, and silver, and many presents.


Then Mathathias answered, and said with a loud voice: Although all nations obey king Antiochus, so as to depart every man from the service of the law of his fathers, and consent to his commandments:


I and my sons, and my brethren will obey the law of our fathers.


God be merciful unto us: it is not profitable for us to forsake the law, and the justices of God:


We will not hearken to the words of king Antiochus, neither will we sacrifice, and transgress the commandments of our law, to go another way.


Now as he left off speaking these words, there came a certain Jew in the sight of all to sacrifice to the idols upon the altar in the city of Modin, according to the king's commandment.


And Mathathias saw and was grieved, and his reins trembled, and his wrath was kindled according to the judgment of the law, and running upon him he slew him upon the altar:


Moreover the man whom king Antiochus had sent, who compelled them to sacrifice, he slew at the same time, and pulled down the altar.


And shewed zeal for the law, as Phinees did by Zamri the son of Salomi.


And Mathathias cried out in the city with a loud voice, saying: Every one that hath zeal for the law, and maintaineth the testament, let him follow me.


So he, and his sons fled into the mountains, and left all that they had in the city.


Then many that sought after judgment, and justice, went down into the desert:


And they abode there, they and their children, and their wives, and their cattle: because afflictions increased upon them.


And it was told to the king's men, and to the army that was in Jerusalem in the city of David, that certain men who had broken the king's commandment, were gone away into the secret places in the wilderness, and that many were gone after them.


And forthwith they went out towards them, and made war against them on the sabbath day,


And they said to them: Do you still resist? come forth, and do according to the edict of king Antiochus, and you shall live.


And they said: We will not come forth, neither will we obey the king's edict, to profane the sabbath day.


And they made haste to give them battle.


But they answered them not, neither did they cast a stone at them, nor stopped up the secret places,


Saying: Let us all die in our innocency: and heaven and earth shall be witnesses for us, that you put us to death wrongfully.


So they gave them battle on the sabbath: and they were slain with their wives, and their children, and their cattle, to the number of a thousand persons.


And Mathathias and his friends heard of it, and they mourned for them exceedingly.


And every man said to his neighbour: If we shall all do as our brethren have done, and not fight against the heathens for our lives, and our justifications: they will now quickly root us out of the earth.


And they determined in that day, saying: Whosoever shall come up against us to fight on the sabbath day, we will fight against him: and we will not all die, as our brethren that were slain in the secret places.


Then was assembled to them the congregation of the Assideans, the stoutest of Israel, every one that had a good will for the law.


And all they that fled from the evils, joined themselves to them, and were a support to them.


And they gathered an army, and slew the sinners in their wrath, and the wicked men in their indignation: and the rest fled to the nations for safety.


And Mathathias and his friends went round about, and they threw down the altars:


And they circumcised all the children whom they found in the confines of Israel that were uncircumcised: and they did valiantly.


And they pursued after the children of pride, and the work prospered in their hands:


And they recovered the law out of the hands of the nations, and out of the hands of the kings: and they yielded not the horn to the sinner.


Now the days drew near that Mathathias should die, and he said to his sons: Now hath pride and chastisement gotten strength, and the time of destruction, and the wrath of indignation:


Now therefore, O my sons, be ye zealous for the law, and give your lives for the covenant of your fathers.


And call to remembrance the works of the fathers, which they have done in their generations: and you shall receive great glory, and an everlasting name.


Was not Abraham found faithful in temptation, and it was reputed to him unto justice?


Joseph in the time of his distress kept the commandment, and he was made lord of Egypt.


Phinees our father, by being fervent in the zeal of God, received the covenant of an everlasting priesthood.


Jesus, whilst he fulfilled the word, was made ruler in Israel.


Caleb, for bearing witness before the congregation, received an inheritance.


David by his mercy obtained the throne of an everlasting kingdom.


Elias, while he was full of zeal for the law, was taken up into heaven.


Ananias and Azarias and Misael by believing, were delivered out of the flame.


Daniel in his innocency was delivered out of the mouth of the lions.


And thus consider through all generations: that none that trust in him fail in strength.


And fear not the words of a sinful man, for his glory is dung, and worms:


To day he is lifted up, and to morrow he shall not be found, because he is returned into his earth; and his thought is come to nothing.


You therefore, my sons, take courage, and behave manfully in the law: for by it you shall be glorious.


And behold, I know that your brother Simon is a man of counsel: give ear to him always, and he shall be a father to you.


And Judas Machabeus who is valiant and strong from his youth up, let him be the leader of your army, and he shall manage the war of the people.


And you shall take to you all that observe the law: and revenge ye the wrong of your people.


Render to the Gentiles their reward, and take heed to the precepts of the law.


And he blessed them, and was joined to his fathers.


And he died in the hundred and forty-sixth year: and he was buried by his sons in the sepulchres of his fathers in Modin, and all Israel mourned for him with great mourning.

I maccabees 1

Chapter 1


Now it came to pass, after that Alexander the son of Philip the Macedonian, who first reigned in Greece, coming out of the land of Cethim, had overthrown Darius king of the Persians and Medes:


He fought many battles, and took the strong holds of all, and slew the kings of the earth:


And he went through even to the ends of the earth, and took the spoils of many nations: and the earth was quiet before him.


And he gathered a power, and a very strong army: and his heart was exalted and lifted up.


And he subdued countries of nations, and princes: and they became tributaries to him.


And after these things, he fell down upon his bed, and knew that he should die.


And he called his servants the nobles that were brought up with him from his youth: and he divided his kingdom among them, while he was yet alive.


And Alexander reigned twelve years, and he died.


And his servants made themselves kings every one in his place:


And they all put crowns upon themselves after his death, and their sons after them many years, and evils were multiplied in the earth.


And there came out of them a wicked root, Antiochus the Illustrious, the son of king Antiochus, who had been a hostage at Rome: and he reigned in the hundred and thirty-seventh year of the kingdom of the Greeks.


In those days there went out of Israel wicked men, and they persuaded many, saying: Let us go, and make a covenant with the heathens that are round about us: for since we departed from them, many evils have befallen us.


And the word seemed good in their eyes.


And some of the people determined to do this, and went to the king: and he gave them license to do after the ordinances of the heathens.


And they built a place of exercise in Jerusalem, according to the laws of the nations:


And they made themselves prepuces, and departed from the holy covenant, and joined themselves to the heathens, and were sold to do evil.


And the kingdom was established before Antiochus, and he had a mind to reign over the land of Egypt, that he might reign over two kingdoms.


And he entered into Egypt with a great multitude, with chariots and elephants, and horsemen, and a great number of ships:


And he made war against Ptolemee king of Egypt, but Ptolemee was afraid at his presence, and fled, and many were wounded unto death.


And he took the strong cities in the land of Egypt: and he took the spoils of the land of Egypt.


And after Antiochus had ravaged Egypt in the hundred and forty-third year, he returned and went up against Israel.


And he went up to Jerusalem with a great multitude.


And he proudly entered into the sanctuary, and took away the golden altar, and the candlestick of light, and all the vessels thereof, and the table of proposition, and the pouring vessels, and the vials, and the little mortars of gold, and the veil, and the crowns, and the golden ornament that was before the temple: and he broke them all in pieces.


And he took the silver and gold, and the precious vessels: and he took the hidden treasures which he found: and when he had taken all away he departed into his own country.


And he made a great slaughter of men, and spoke very proudly.


And there was great mourning in Israel, and in every place where they were.


And the princes, and the ancients mourned, and the virgins and the young men were made feeble, and the beauty of the women was changed.


Every bridegroom took up lamentation: and the bride that set in the marriage bed, mourned:


And the land was moved for the inhabitants thereof, and all the house of Jacob was covered with confusion.


And after two full years the king sent the chief collector of his tributes to the cities of Juda, and he came to Jerusalem with a great multitude.


And he spoke to them peaceable words in deceit: and they believed him.


And he fell upon the city suddenly, and struck it with a great slaughter, and destroyed much people in Israel.


And he took the spoils of the city, and burnt it with fire, and threw down the houses thereof, and the walls thereof round about:


And they took the women captive, and the children, and the cattle they possessed.


And they built the city of David with a great and strong wall, and with strong towers, and made it a fortress for them:


And they placed there a sinful nation, wicked men, and they fortified themselves therein: and they stored up armour, and victuals, and gathered together the spoils of Jerusalem;


And laid them up there: and they became a great snare.


And this was a place to lie in wait against the sanctuary, and an evil devil in Israel.


And they shed innocent blood round about the sanctuary, and defiled the holy place.


And the inhabitants of Jerusalem fled away by reason of them, and the city was made the habitation to strangers, and she became a stranger to her own seed, and her children forsook her.


Her sanctuary was desolate like a wilderness, her festival days were turned into mourning, her sabbaths into reproach, her honours were brought to nothing.


Her dishonour was increased according to her glory, and her excellency was turned into mourning.


And king Antiochus wrote to all his kingdom, that all the people should be one: and every one should leave his own law.


And all nations consented according to the word of king Antiochus.


And many of Israel consented to his service, and they sacrificed to idols, and profaned the sabbath.


And the king sent letters by the hands of messengers to Jerusalem, and to all the cities of Juda: that they should follow the law of the nations of the earth,


And should forbid holocausts and sacrifices, and atonements to be made in the temple of God.


And should prohibit the sabbath, and the festival days, to be celebrated.


And he commanded the holy places to be profaned, and the holy people of Israel.


And he commanded altars to be built, and temples, and idols, and swine's flesh to be immolated, and unclean beasts.


And that they should leave their children uncircumcised, and let their souls be defiled with all uncleannesses, and abominations, to the end that they should forget the law, and should change all the justifications of God.


And that whosoever would not do according to the word of king Antiochus should be put to death.


According to all these words he wrote to his whole kingdom, and he appointed rulers over the people that should force them to do these things.


And they commanded the cities of Juda to sacrifice.


Then many of the people were gathered to them that had forsaken the law of the Lord: and they committed evils in the land:


And they drove away the people of Israel into lurking holes, and into the secret places of fugitives.


On the fifteenth day of the month Casleu, in the hundred and forty-fifth year, king Antiochus set up the abominable idol of desolation upon the altar of God, and they built altars throughout all the cities of Juda round about:


And they burnt incense, and sacrificed at the doors of the houses, and in the streets.


And they cut in pieces, and burnt with fire the books of the law of God:


And every one with whom the books of the testament of the Lord were found, and whosoever observed the law of the Lord, they put to death, according to the edict of the king.


Thus by their power did they deal with the people of Israel, that were found in the cities month after month.


And on the five and twentieth day of the month they sacrificed upon the altar of the idol that was over against the altar of God.


Now the women that circumcised their children, were slain according to the commandment of king Antiochus.


And they hanged the children about their necks in all their houses: and those that had circumcised them, they put to death.


And many of the people of Israel determined with themselves, that they would not eat unclean things: and they chose rather to die than to be defiled with unclean meats.


And they would not break the holy law of God, and they were put to death:


And there was very great wrath upon the people.


star wars

star wars

Singularity Marissa Davis


Marissa Davis
after Marie Howe

              in the wordless beginning

iguana & myrrh

magma & reef          ghost moth

& the cordyceps tickling its nerves

& cedar & archipelago & anemone

dodo bird & cardinal waiting for its red

ocean salt & crude oil         now black

muck now most naïve fumbling plankton

every egg clutched in the copycat soft

of me unwomaned unraced

unsexed          as the ecstatic prokaryote

that would rage my uncle’s blood

or the bacterium that will widow

your eldest daughter’s eldest son

my uncle, her son           our mammoth sun

& her uncountable siblings         & dust mite & peat

apatosaurus & nile river

& maple green & nude & chill-blushed &

yeasty keratined bug-gutted i & you

spleen & femur seven-year refreshed

seven-year shedding & taking & being this dust

& my children & your children

& their children & the children

of the black bears & gladiolus & pink florida grapefruit

here not allied but the same        perpetual breath

held fast to each other as each other’s own skin

cold-dormant & rotting & birthing & being born

in the olympus           of the smallest

possible once before once

Copyright © 2020 by Marissa Davis. Originally published in Poem-a-Day on July 1, 2020 by the Academy of American Poets.

Children of God