Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Why dating is just stupid

 Dating someone is just stupid! What is even the point? It is just so that you can show off to all the dudes that you have it, that you have it made! But what is the point of that? Do you even like the person? If so, it is just weird to date them! Who wants to date a friend? That's just weird! If you don't like the person, the whole date is meaningless! Do you even think about what the other person thinks? Do you? Do you think about what that person's friends or parents would say? It is a fearsome thing to imagine the parents and their finding that you want to date their child! You would be seen as despicable! And dating someone also serves no purpose.

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

🍇🍇Autobiography of Thud Launch Audio in a New Window🍎🍎🍎🍎

 🍇Autobiography of Thud 

After Donika Kelly

You live in Elmont, New York,
in a small house with a big yard
and gate that doesn’t lock.
Have a best friend
with shiny black hair
called Clarissa, who shares everything
and might be the only person
to smile when she sees you.
You play at her house after school.
She is not as brown or round,
but that doesn’t make her more or less
beautiful than you, just likable.
You take the bus to school Mondays–Fridays,
where you almost always share a seat twice
the width of your womanly hips, unless
someone is sick and no one wants the seat
next to you, where you practice how to leave
your body. You daydream
that your mum doesn’t have to work
and sometimes you’re sure you see her
powder blue car trailing the bus, just out the window.
You don’t wear glasses, but think they look smart.
Can still look people in the eye
when you speak and are spoken to.
Unsupervised adults, busy boys and girls
have things to say about your  figure, which
is the word men are most likely to use
when addressing a growing girl. Trauma
isn’t a word you’ve heard anywhere, including
the playground or the tele. Instead, you pick
up pretty junk, like muddy flower barrettes and strange coins.
Your pockets jangle on the bus home with your private
collection. You strew your loves with abandon
across the kitchen counter. Clarissa shines them,
placing them next to the repurposed tin can
on her dresser. Neither one of you knows the word altar
or wears the fancy barrettes to school.
Your mother works overnight. Your father too.
But his Aramis follows her Opium parfum
like the sun does the moon. In the morning,
the near miss of his body seems easier.
You roam like a buffalo through his possessions.
Spritz his cologne. Finger his ties. You could be anyone.
Mom shouts the warning for the bus. Reality
returns to the tongue like dry cud. You trot
through the kitchen to graze in peace, where
you find a different, familiar island gyal.
Every six months, maybe, dad brings one in need
of work before she travels back home. They
watch you and your brother. Closely. Discern that
Trinidad is not   your home. You awake to girls
in the shape of women towering over you.
They are as mean as square-cut glass. Get up
for school. They remind you how you are American,
which you learn is a slur for fat. They leave.
They return six months later with mangos,
black rum cake and small parcels. They teach you
fatty-fatty boom-boom is the sound you make
when you walk, when you smile or enter
a room:   fatty-fatty boom-boom.
You don’t know how to fight,
but have instincts to protect your brother
against people he won’t remember.
You love him now. Your secret is
that you have usurped his real mother. You play
Candy Land and Monopoly. Your brother
loves money so much that you trade him
pink and blue bills for Halloween candy.
You are aware you like food more
than you’re supposed to. You unwrap the candy
beneath your pillow so the sound doesn’t carry.
It’s summer, finally! You’re officially a second grader.
The first day at camp, your training bra is discovered
by Jessica Rose in the locker room.
Who accuses you of weighing 100 pounds.
Who washes her hair every day,
and smells like flowers before they die.



Sunday, January 22, 2023

.🐵The XY sex-determination system

 🐵🐵The XY sex-determination system is a sex-determination system used to classify many mammals, including humans, some insects (Drosophila), some snakes, some fish (guppies), and some plants (Ginkgo tree). In this system, the sex of an individual is determined by a pair of sex chromosomes. Females have two of the same kind of sex chromosome (XX), and are called the homogametic sex. Males have two different kinds of sex chromosomes (XY), and are called the heterogametic sex.[1

False! False! $#%& science! False! Treason! Treason! 9/11 causing! Person actually believes in females! Everyone knows that women don't exist! 🐤🐵The XY sex-determination system 🙏 is treason against America! 

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Beer And bacon




    With my beer
I sit,
While golden moments flit:
    They pass
Unheeded by:
And, as they fly,
Being dry,
    Sit, idly sipping here
    My beer.

O, finer far
Than fame, or riches, are
The graceful smoke-wreaths of this free cigar!
    Should I
    Weep, wail, or sigh?
    What if luck has passed me by?
What if my hopes are dead,— 
My pleasures fled?
    Have I not still
    My fill
Of right good cheer,—
Cigars and beer?

    Go, whining youth,
Go, weep and wail,
Sigh and grow pale,
    Weave melancholy rhymes
    On the old times,
Whose joys like shadowy ghosts appear,—
But leave me to my beer!
    Gold is dross,—
    Love is loss,—
So, if I gulp my sorrows down,
Or see them drown
In foamy draughts of old nut-brown,
Then do I wear the crown,
    Without the cross!

Tuesday, January 17, 2023



.George Orwell Sometimes in the middle autumn days


George Orwell

Sometimes in the middle autumn days

Sometimes in the middle autumn days,
The windless days when the swallows have flown,
And the sere elms brood in the mist,
Each tree a being, rapt, alone,

I know, not as in barren thought,
But wordlessly, as the bones know,
What quenching of my brain, what numbness,
Wait in the dark grave where I go.

And I see the people thronging the street,
The death-marked people, they and I
Goalless, rootless, like leaves drifting,
Blind to the earth and to the sky;

Nothing believing, nothing loving,
Not in joy nor in pain, not heeding the stream
Of precious life that flows within us,
But fighting, toiling as in a dream.

So shall we in the rout of life
Some thought, some faith, some meaning save,
And speak it once before we go
In silence to the silent grave...

Children of God