Showing posts with label shadowlands. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shadowlands. Show all posts

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Wake me up when September ends

Summer has come and passed
The innocent can never last
Wake me up when September ends
Like my fathers come to pass
Seven years has gone so fast
Wake me up when September ends
Here comes the rain again
Falling from the stars
Drenched in my pain again
Becoming who we are
As my memory rests
But never forgets what I lost
Wake me up when September ends
Summer has come and passed
The innocent can never last
Wake me up when September ends
Ring out the bells again
Like we did when spring began
Wake me up when September ends
Here comes the rain again
Falling from the stars
Drenched in my pain again
Becoming who we are
As my memory rests
But never forgets what I lost
Wake me up when September ends
Summer has come and passed
The innocent can never last
Wake me up when September ends
Like my father's come to pass
Twenty years has gone so fast
Wake me up when September ends
Wake me up when September ends
Wake me up when September ends

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Song of Solomon and Courtly 💘

Song of Solomon, also known as Canticles, is the Biblical story of courtly love, the relationship between a knight and his True 💘. In this case, the knight is Solomon and his nymph is a dark female known as the Shulamite woman. She is ashamed of her darkness. She is ashamed of her proletarian job. He is handsome and ruddy. One can easily think of Jacob or David here. Both were rugged men. One can also think of Pan, the pagan faun. Canticles is meant to be just that, spiritual hymns, or runic rhymes. Each Hebrew tune is meditated on individually. This mythic 💘 is taken down to form the tropes that define Dark Ages'legends. One even finds the language copied in Isiah and the Revellation.

We are not supposed to know why relationships exist

Yes, God made us to be social creatures, but merely because I can do something does not mean that I should. There are many things that you can do. This doesn't matter. You are merely yourself. You are not the person that you are interested in. You have no right to them. It doesn't matter if you attract them or not. They are not for you. Yes, God made relationships, but only as possible things. It doesn't mean that you have to have one. Dating involves temptation. This it should be avoided. Go ahead and just try to ask someone out. You will get sued and rightfully so.

Saturday, August 31, 2019

Gift to the Darkness

“You are a silly little boy,” said the Lord of the Flies,
“just an ignorant, silly little boy.”

Simon moved his swollen tongue but said nothing.

“Don’t you agree?” said the Lord of the Flies. “Aren’t
you just a silly little boy?”

Simon answered him in the same silent voice.

“Well then,” said the Lord of the Flies, “you’d better
run off and play with the others. They think you’re batty.
You don’t want Ralph to think you’re batty, do you? You
like Ralph a lot, don’t you? And Piggy, and Jack?”

Simon’s head was tilted slightly up. His eyes could not
break away and the Lord of the Flies hung in space before

“What are you doing out here all alone? Aren’t you
afraid of me?”

Simon shook.

“There isn’t anyone to help you. Only me. And I’m the

Simon’s mouth laboured, brought forth audible words.

“Pig’s head on a stick.”

“Fancy thinking the Beast was something you could hunt
and kill!” said the head. For a moment or two the forest
and all the other dimly appreciated places echoed with the
parody of laughter. “You knew, didn’t you? I’m part of
you? Close, close, close! I’m the reason why it’s no go?
Why things are what they are?”

The laughter shivered again.

l TJ

Gift for the Darkness

“Come now,” said the Lord of the Flies. “Get back to
the others and we’ll forget the whole thing.”

Simon’s head wobbled. His eyes were half-closed as
though he were imitating the obscene thing on the stick.
He knew that one of his times was coming on. The Lord
of the Flies was expanding like a balloon.

“This is ridiculous. You know perfectly well you’ll only
meet me down there — so don’t try to escape!”

Simon’s body was arched and stiff. The Lord of the Flies
spoke in the voice of a schoolmaster.

“This has gone quite far enough. My poor, misguided
child, do you think you know better than I do?”

There was a pause.

“I’m warning you. I’m going to get waxy. D’you see?
You’re not wanted. Understand? We are going to have fun
on this island. Understand? We are going to have fun on
this islandl So don’t try it on, my poor misguided boy, or
else ”

Simon found he was looking into a vast mouth. There
was blackness within, a blackness that spread.

“ — Or else,” said the Lord of the Flies, “we shall do
you. See? Jack and Roger and Maurice and Robert and
Bill and Piggy and Ralph. Do you. See?”

Simon was inside the mouth. He fell down and lost

Playing with Love from the I Ching 易經

45 - Forty-Five

Ts'ui / Gathering

The Lake rises by welcoming and receiving Earth's waters:
The King approaches his temple.
It is wise to seek audience with him there.

Success follows this course.
Making an offering will seal your good fortune.
A goal will be realized now.


This is an important Convergence, and you must be part of it.
Look for the Center of this convergence.
Like waters running to the sea, like an astronomical convergence of planets revolving around the sun, you should let the gravity of this Center draw you near.
Others are also drawn to this Center, and among them you will find shared bonds and kindred spirits.
This tribal convergence will give you a clarity of purpose.
You will no longer be alone.

Free Your Mind 2

The evil people of this world can never understand free thought.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Dealing with problems when they involve morals

The world, the actual pain -filled world of Never ending years cannot be solved using the methods that are used in science. In science, one can simply take apart an issue logically and come up with an answer from there. When issues involve morals, things can never be so straight forward. This can be used to a minor extent, but the big picture is that things involving morality must be filtered through buckets of self hatred. You must torture your own soul without end. People falsely think that religion is easy. They do not see how much grief must go into it.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

there is a such thing as a square circle

there is a square circle. we see them all the time in the sky. you do not need rigid walls in a square, just because the Greeks said that you did. you can feel free to embrace the fact that rearrange just means a four -sides structure with lines that appear to be straight.

O Fortuna

O Fortuna
velut luna
statu variabilis,
semper crescis
aut decrescis;
vita detestabilis
nunc obdurat
et tunc curat
ludo mentis aciem,
dissolvit ut glaciem.
Sors immanis
et inanis,
rota tu volubilis,
status malus,
vana salus
semper dissolubilis,
et velata
michi quoque niteris;
nunc per ludum
dorsum nudum
fero tui sceleris.
Sors salutis
et virtutis
michi nunc contraria,
est affectus
et defectus
semper in angaria.
Hac in hora
sine mora
corde pulsum tangite;
quod per sortem
sternit fortem,
mecum omnes plangite!
砦 月のように 変更; 成長を続けます そして、衰退; 憎しみに満ちた人生 今厳しいです その後、なだめ 気まぐれで、 貧困 パワー 氷のように。 運命 空; 回し車 悪いです 健康 フェード シャドーイング そして、密かに あなたも私を悩ませています。 今ではゲーム 私の裸 calvata。 ときに健康 そして、パワー 今ではありません。 影響を受けます や障害 常に当直。 したがって、この時間では、 遅滞なく 文字列を摘み取ります。 運命ため、 誰もが泣きます 私に!

The Last Jedi's Futures Fate by kirk

The galaxy's in turmoil, it's at an all time low
Luke Skywalker's been demoralised, all for comedic show
No substance for new character's, old heroes full of woe
What happened to the Star Wars, that we used to know

The Empire has been replaced, by the Order of the First
No real impact is achieved, we're not really that immersed
Screen presence is not felt, characterisations at its worst
The legacy of the Jedi, is downgraded and disbursed

Luke's a Jedi like his father, so why would he elope
The Disappointment of this film, is on a massive scope
Star Wars fans are ridiculed, their on a downward *****
Galactic empires did strike back, but after a new hope

Jedi knights a force for good, they wouldn't just give in
Princess Leia flying through space, well wasn't that a sin
The saga of the Skywalker's, pushed aside for Rey and Fin 
Don't bring back legacy character's, to throw them in the bin

Luke's too out of character, it doesn't make no sense
Strong villains do not exist , so there is no recompense
The shallowness of General Hux, a lack of real suspense
Kylo Ren's fake saber duel, this fight was far from tense

Evil rulers are no more what kind of name is Snoke?
He's hardly Emperor Palpatine, he's just a head scarred bloke
Like most of the new character's, well what a ******* joke
The menace of the sith is lost, Since the force awoke

Wooden character's we don't want, I know this may sound mean
Kathleen Kennedy please keep away, from the Star Wars scene
We don't want Holdo, Rose and Poe, clogging up the screen
Admiral Ackbar was killed off, and it wasn't even seen

Rian Johnson's head is round, he looks like BB8
Unfortunately his movies ****, and his stories are not great
Redemption for true Jedi knights, I know it's not too late
A Jedi Master Ivan is,  The Last Jedi's futures fate

This is our most desperate hour, after the cinemas first screening
Ivan your our only hope, the Star Wars fans are screaming
No true fan is amused, we wish that we where dreaming
"a gracious gift from god", is Ivan's first name meaning

Ivan Ortega is the man, he simply is the best
His flare for editing is supreme, he has film making zest
Unruly Star Wars script writers, he'll put them to the test
Movie making is his skill, Disney give it a rest

So come on now check Ivan out, on YouTube or Twitter
His vision of The Last Jedi, may stop you feeling bitter
Optimism flows like the force, because he is no quitter
He'll reunite the Star wars fans, instead of a film splitter

A dark time for the empire, with the Jedi in the mix
Dark side powers hasn't been seen, since Vader in part six
True Jedi Knights have not returned, nothing that really sticks
We need Jedi Master Luke, in Ivan's new Film Fix

dune litany against fear used in star wars

Saturday, August 24, 2019

alone by edgar allan poe

From childhood’s hour I have not been
As others were—I have not seen
As others saw—I could not bring
My passions from a common spring—
From the same source I have not taken
My sorrow—I could not awaken
My heart to joy at the same tone—
And all I lov’d—I lov’d alone—
Then—in my childhood—in the dawn
Of a most stormy life—was drawn
From ev’ry depth of good and ill
The mystery which binds me still—
From the torrent, or the fountain—
From the red cliff of the mountain—
From the sun that ’round me roll’d
In its autumn tint of gold—
From the lightning in the sky
As it pass’d me flying by—
From the thunder, and the storm—
And the cloud that took the form
(When the rest of Heaven was blue)
Of a demon in my view—

Always Is Not 4Ever!

Exactly how long is forever? Exactly how long is always? Forever is something that does what it does as long as ever is. Always means something that lasts in all ways, and lasts ever. These terms are not the same. Also for always is also not the same thing as always, because it is now mediated by for, making it a duration.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

The Divine Right of Kings by Edgar Allan Poe

The only king by right divine
Is Ellen King, and were she mine
I'd strive for liberty no more,
But hug the glorious chains I wore.

Her bosom is an ivory throne,
Where tyrant virtue reigns alone ;
No subject vice dare interfere,
To check the power that governs here.

O! would she deign to rule my fate,
I'd worship Kings and kingly state,
And hold this maxim all life long,
The King — my King — can do no wrong.                         

Sonnet—To Science by Poe

Science! true daughter of Old Time thou art!
   Who alterest all things with thy peering eyes.
Why preyest thou thus upon the poet’s heart,
   Vulture, whose wings are dull realities?
How should he love thee? or how deem thee wise,
   Who wouldst not leave him in his wandering
To seek for treasure in the jewelled skies,
   Albeit he soared with an undaunted wing?
Hast thou not dragged Diana from her car,
   And driven the Hamadryad from the wood
To seek a shelter in some happier star?
   Hast thou not torn the Naiad from her flood,
The Elfin from the green grass, and from me
The summer dream beneath the tamarind tree?

Free your Mind!

free your mind. You do not need to do what you are told to, just because you are told to. you do not need to believe everything that people tell you. you need to learn to free your mind. Just close your eyes and say, "I am myself, and myself is alone!" Repeat that over and over. You can also try the "fear is the little death" statement from Dune.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Fracture of Nothing

Nihilism is the belief of nothing. It is the belief that nothing has any real existence or any real importance. It is the belief that we cannot understand the reality that we are in because of our emotional attachment to it. And emotional attachment s keep you from understanding the world. We are slaves to our passions. We are slaves to our passions. World War I taught us that the Romantic view of the Past, the view of dulce et decorum est was just silly. People die in wars. People die in wars in rather unromantic ways, such as gas and VDs. We need to escape the Matrix. We need to free our minds. Nihilism can help us do that. It helps us see that the world is merely phenomenological. It is merely what can be seen, tasted and touched. Romanticism provides nobody anything but more and more babyish flirtations, and while flirting may be good for teens, it does not make a real life. We need a real world.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

What is love?

What is love? is it all about flirting or at least toy flirting? It helps, as it makes things far more interesting, but who wants only that? Love is more of the nature of caring about others, even when it does not matter, even when they do not want it.

Here are the types of love: baby love, teen love, flirting, crushes, lust, true love , impossible love, courtly 💘 love, Platonic love, Confucian love, Godly love.

Baby love is the love I simply attraction. It is the type that kids have for each other that is based simply on the other person and their cuteness. It is annoying. Teen love is a version of this that involves adolescents. It involves awkwardness with growing up.

Flirtation is a series of romantic games and teasing involved in attracting a love interest, be they of the same or opposite sex.

Impossible love is the love for an unattainable love interest, such as a cartoon character.

Lust is pure biological desire that is forbidden by God or law. Many books and 🎥 have been made about that.

Courtly love is experienced between a knight and his nymphs. This would often involve the knight having to tilt 🐉 to prove his worth to the nymph.

Platonic love is love that is more than mere social, but far less than sexual. Flirtation may be involved.

According to Wikipedia, "
Ren (Chinese: ) is the Confucian virtue denoting the good quality of a virtuous human when being altruistic. Ren is exemplified by a normal adult's protective feelings for children. It is considered the outward expression of Confucian ideals.
Yan Hui, one of the Four Sages, once asked his master to describe the rules of ren. Confucius replied, "One should see nothing improper, hear nothing improper, say nothing improper, do nothing improper."[1] Confucius also defined ren in the following way: "wishing to be established himself, seeks also to establish others; wishing to be enlarged himself, he seeks also to enlarge others."[2] Confucius also said, "Ren is not far off; he who seeks it has already found it." Ren is close to man and never leaves him." This is Confucian Love.

True 💘 is the love that lasts. A love 💘 like that has just got to last. Are adults allowed to believe in true love 💘💘 or must they see it as being stupid? Believe in crushes, when you are an adult and won't people call you silly and stupid? You can believe in affection to some extent, but you can never be 🚼 babyish about it.

 Godly love is the love 💘 for God or gnosis, shared secret knowing.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Is Western logic useless in real life?

Western logic is the operating mode of the Western World 🌎 and has always been the go-to source of analyzing the info in our lives, as we do math and science with it. It has three rules of operation: everything must be what it is, nothing can be what it is not, and there is no middle term, but with regard to time. This appears to be a great way to do scientific things, but just try to apply it to real life, and there are suddenly problems. This line of thinking about the world 🌎 implies that everything and everyone can be put into nice neat boxes, which most people will be offended at. Western logic also tells you that you should fight battles against enemies in order to gain glory. It says that nobody has any control over their fortunes. It says that the people that we see 👀 in our lives today are in a way 👻 ghost memories. We are reminded of people that we knew in the past. A good 👍 example of this is the idea 💡 that one's daughters are a lot like one's sisters. This is a totally weird idea 💡. Also is the idea 💡 that things should be categorized by their definition, which is their class plus differentia. Who says that this is really what things are like? Nobody really. Nature. This idea might work in math to have such an arbitrary source of truth, but in a court, just try to say that you follow Reason, and let's just try to see how far you get with it. But Greeks do not have any problems with this. Why?
