Showing posts with label nullo space. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nullo space. Show all posts

Sunday, September 25, 2022

⛲⛲The birthday of the world BY MARGE PIERCY

 ⛲The birthday of the world

On the birthday of the world
I begin to contemplate
what I have done and left
undone, but this year
not so much rebuilding

of my perennially damaged
psyche, shoring up eroding
friendships, digging out
stumps of old resentments
that refuse to rot on their own.

No, this year I want to call
myself to task for what
I have done and not done
for peace. How much have
I dared in opposition?

How much have I put
on the line for freedom?
For mine and others?
As these freedoms are pared,
sliced and diced, where

have I spoken out? Who
have I tried to move? In
this holy season, I stand
self-convicted of sloth
in a time when lies choke

the mind and rhetoric
bends reason to slithering
choking pythons. Here
I stand before the gates
opening, the fire dazzling

my eyes, and as I approach
what judges me, I judge
myself. Give me weapons
of minute destruction. Let
my words turn into sparks.

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Deuteronomy 21:10-25:19

 יְהֹוָֽה׃ {ס}         Thus you will remove from your midst guilt for the blood of the innocent, for you will be doing what is right in the sight of יהוה.

Ki Teitzei

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

If you could hie to Kolob



  1. 1


    1. 1. If you could hie to Kolob

      In the twinkling of an eye,

      And then continue onward

      With that same speed to fly,

      Do you think that you could ever,

      Through all eternity,

      Find out the generation

      Where Gods began to be?

    2. 2. Or see the grand beginning,

      Where space did not extend?

      Or view the last creation,

      Where Gods and matter end?

      Methinks the Spirit whispers,

      “No man has found ‘pure space,’

      Nor seen the outside curtains,

      Where nothing has a place.”

    3. 3. The works of God continue,

      And worlds and lives abound;

      Improvement and progression

      Have one eternal round.

      There is no end to matter;

      There is no end to space;

      There is no end to spirit;

      There is no end to race.

    4. 4. There is no end to virtue;

      There is no end to might;

      There is no end to wisdom;

      There is no end to light.

      There is no end to union;

      There is no end to youth;

      There is no end to priesthood;

      There is no end to truth.

    5. 5. There is no end to glory;

      There is no end to love;

      There is no end to being;

      There is no death above.

      There is no end to glory;

      There is no end to love;

      There is no end to being;

      There is no death above.

    In the twinkling of an eye,

    And then continue onward

    With that same speed to fly,

    Do you think that you could ever,

    Through all eternity,

    Find out the generation

    Where Gods began to be?

  2. 2. Or see the grand beginning,

    Where space did not extend?

    Or view the last creation,

    Where Gods and matter end?

    Methinks the Spirit whispers,

    “No man has found ‘pure space,’

    Nor seen the outside curtains,

    Where nothing has a place.”

  3. 3. The works of God continue,

    And worlds and lives abound;

    Improvement and progression

    Have one eternal round.

    There is no end to matter;

    There is no end to space;

    There is no end to spirit;

    There is no end to race.

  4. 4. There is no end to virtue;

    There is no end to might;

    There is no end to wisdom;

    There is no end to light.

    There is no end to union;

    There is no end to youth;

    There is no end to priesthood;

    There is no end to truth.

  5. 5. There is no end to glory;

    There is no end to love;

    There is no end to being;

    There is no death above.

    There is no end to glory;

    There is no end to love;

    There is no end to being;

    There is no death above.
