Showing posts with label Care about reality. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Care about reality. Show all posts

Sunday, September 18, 2022

A modern tract

   💀I know! This is a treaty! I'm sorry I gave it to you!" I'm such a whiney baby, and I force my faith in others to ease my own inner torment of having to have them!  I should take care of my own pain and realize that the world shouldn't be the way I want it to be! You have your thoughts! I have mine! I should just leave you alone! Can it ever be moral to say what you believe in? Isn't that imperialism? You have your own pains to deal with! Life hurts!!   It won't get any better! I know there are a lot of bad people who use their beliefs to hurt you, and I'm sorry these people are there! Sorry to read this treatise!!   Look! I look like a baby crying again! You're mad at me! Just know! I'm so sorry to give you this flyer! We don't want to hurt you! We are not imperialists. We do not seek to enslave you what we want! We believe that women are human. And we're sorry we used that word women there! You saw him as hateful! !   You have every right on earth to grieve! I'm sorry to tell you my beliefs! This is very imperialistic! Please throw 🙏 this system in the Trash!

Friday, September 16, 2022

What tracts sound like

 This is a tract! You have to read this, because ... Of course! You have no right to have a culture, because I said so! I want to preach you out of your opinion! Our sky daddy is good! Your thoughts are garbage! You have to be interested in only the gender we say you can! We adore ourselves! I am me! You are you! Thus I am good, and you are evil! Read this tract, blasphemous fool! I told you to! And give up on reason and science!

Saturday, September 10, 2022

A Christian Tract for Modern Times

I know! This is a tract! I am sorry that I gave it to you! I am such a whiney baby, and I force my beliefs on others to ease my own inner torment of having to have them! I should tend to my own hurt, and realize the the world should not have to be as I would like it! You have your thoughts! I have mine! I should just leave you alone! You have your own hurts to deal with! I know that there are a lot of bad people who use their beliefs to hurt you, and I am sorry that those people are out there! I am so sorry that you are reading this tract! I am so sorry for having given it to you! We do not want to hurt you! We are not imperialists! We do not seek to enslave you to what we want! We believe that women are human! And we are sorry that we used that word women there! You saw it as hateful! You have every right in the world to grieve! I am sorry to be telling you my beliefs! This is so imperialistic! Please 🙏 throw this tract into the trash!

Sunday, September 4, 2022

Just because you can doesn't mean you should!

 Just because you can do something doesn't mean that you should do it. You can learn to give up on what you want! It's not that everything that you want is evil, but can't you just stop to think that there may be some people who do not like what you do? You can learn to think long and hard about those people! You can do that for the sake of others! You can do that for their well 🐻 being! Think about them! Think about the people who may not like what you are doing! What about those poor people? What about their human rights? Have you ever thought about that? Care about truth. Care about reality!

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Just give up on reality

 Just give up on reality! Just give up on the concept of things existing outside of your feelings about them! Your thought life is what is real, assuming that there has to be any such thing as anything that is real! Actually, it is other people's opinions that matter! Your thoughts don't matter to anyone! So shut up and let your blue haired ticktockers tell you what to think! Because of course! Reality is all garbage! Whatever! 

Friday, August 12, 2022

What tracts seem like to non Christians

 I hate you! I pity you. That's the same thing, because I said so! You're stupid! You're evil! I hate you. You don't worship me or my Sky Daddy, so forget you, and if you are offended, then thank you! My Sky Dad is important! So, stop having a culture! Worship me, and hate yourself, because of course!

Sunday, July 10, 2022

Beware, young people!

 Beware, young people! Reality does not exist any more! There's nothing to wake you up from your thoughts! There's nothing to wake you up from your imagination! People are afraid! People are scared! It's not any use to be brave. You get crushed! It's not any use to be noble! You get sued! They always win! So don't imagine! There's no waking up!

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Hi Timor, I appreciate you so much! You are giving babies like Shana’s a chance.


Hi Timor,

I appreciate you so much! You are giving babies like Shana’s a chance.

When I heard her story, I knew I had to share it with you. It’s just one example of how God is using your compassion and love for life to rescue mothers and their babies from the pain of abortion through our Option Ultrasound program.

Option Ultrasound is a donor-funded program that equips pregnancy medical centers with ultrasound machines and nurses’ sonography training to introduce mothers considering abortion to the child growing in their womb.

Shana was pregnant and set on getting an abortion when she walked by a pregnancy medical center equipped with an ultrasound machine made possible by friends like you. She glanced at the sign offering free ultrasounds.

One of the workers happened to be outside and saw Shana’s glance. She raced to catch up with the young woman. “Do you need a pregnancy test?” she asked.

“No, I just need information on an abortion,” Shana replied. The expectant mom agreed to a free ultrasound and stepped into the pregnancy medical center — and that’s where she met her child.

Shana saw an active, fully formed baby bouncing around and rubbing its face with its hands on the screen. Shana couldn’t believe what she was seeing. She said, “Oh my, it’s a baby!”

Right then, Shana changed her mind. Instead of abortion, she decided to make an adoption plan. The pregnancy medical center helped her make arrangements.

For many women like Shana, one look at the precious life growing inside of them is all it takes to soften their hearts and choose life. According to our research, more than 54% of abortion-minded women who receive counseling and an ultrasound choose life. 

With the Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, abortion now becomes a state matter, and the opportunity for mothers considering abortion to see the life growing inside of them is more critical than ever.

Shana’s baby had a chance to live because of friends like you. You not only saved the baby’s life, but you also saved Shana from making a mistake that would haunt her for the rest of her life.

Timor, thank you again for saving the baby and mom through your compassionate support.

Jim Daly
President, Focus on the Family

*Name in the story changed to protect identity.

Focus on the Family
8605 Explorer Dr., Colorado Springs, CO 80920
1-800-A-FAMILY (232-6459)

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Woman according to wikipedia

 .A woman is an adult female human.[1][2] Prior to adulthood, a female human is referred to as a girl (a female child or adolescent).[3] The plural women is sometimes used in certain phrases such as "women's rights" to denote female humans regardless of age.

A woman

Typically, women have two X chromosomes and are capable of pregnancy and giving birth from puberty until menopause. Female anatomy is distinguished from male anatomy by the female reproductive system, which includes the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, v🐵gina, and v🐵lva. The adult female pelvis is wider, the hips broader, and the br🐵asts larger than that of adult males. Women have significantly less facial and other body hair, have a higher body fat composition, and are on average shorter and less muscular than men

Monday, June 6, 2022

I'm exactly what you think i am

 I am really glad to be a boy, which is exactly What everyone thinks that I am, because what else would I be? Like seriously! It's not like I could be a girl! The me that would be a girl would not be me, because I am not a girl. That is all that can be said about this! I can't believe that such is being discussed today! Are you all morons? What is is what is! A male can not change that. Your thoughts are just that. They are your thoughts. You are not God!

Friday, June 3, 2022

Reality matters!

 Reality matters, not what you want! Reality matters, not what you need! Your thoughts are just that - your thoughts! Stop trying to be God! The universe is not your own! You are a bug! Your thoughts are your thoughts! Stop thinking that you control reality! You are not God! You are a mere human!

Thursday, May 19, 2022

The term cis is silly

 .From the Latin preposition cis (on this side of). The earliest known gender-related use of the prefix in any language was in a 1914 German-language book on sexology.[1] According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the earliest use of the prefix in the context of gender in English dates from 1994.[2 

How can a CIs person be cis? You by nature are on the same side as yourself!

Sunday, May 15, 2022

Care about reality!

 Reality matters! What is really real is what is important! It does no good to believe in or against that which is certain! What matters is what is real! What we believe is merely what we believe! Truth is what matters, or, at least it's supposed to matter! Nobody cares about reality anymore! We cry all the day long! Tears come out of our eyes! Someone, Pease care about reality!

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

ETITION: Call on Biden to condemn violent pro-abortion rioters across America!

 ETITION: Call on Biden to condemn violent pro-abortion rioters across America!

  • LifeSite <>Unsubscribe
    Wed, May 11 at 2:00 PM

    Office of pro-life group Wisconsin Family Action, after being vandalized by pro-abortion rioters.
    Dear Friend,

    In the aftermath of the leak of the Supreme Court majority opinion draft overruling Roe v. Wade, lawless vandals backed by the abortion lobby and pro-abortion politicians have launched riots and violent attacks on pro-life entities across America, from pregnancy centers to churches, and even targeted Justices' homes. 

    This widespread, organized effort not only sets a dangerous standard for how groups and individuals may opt to stage demonstrations going forward, but begs the question of how the pro-abortion crowd would behave if and when the Supreme Court officially overturns Roe later this summer.

    And, worst of all, the White House has largely turned a blind eye to these riots, with Joe Biden -- who at one time claimed to be personally opposed to abortion due to his Catholic faith -- now acting as the foremost advocate for unfettered abortion access in America.

    Biden's irresponsible behavior must be addressed, and the White House needs to know that the American people demand better from their supposed "leader."

    Please SIGN and SHARE this petition calling on Joe Biden to stop beating around the bush and finally issue a formal statement condemning the violent riots and attacks on pro-life institutions across our country in the wake of the leaked Supreme Court majority opinion draft overturning Roe v. Wade.

    Over Mother's Day weekend, pro-abortion attacks broke out across America, with increasingly depraved activists targeting pregnancy centers, pro-life advocacy organizations, and churches with either disruptive demonstrations or, in some cases, vandalism and outright violence.

    They even descended upon the homes of Supreme Court Justices like Samuel Alito, Brett Kavanaugh, and Chief Justice John Roberts, who appear poised to formally issue the final blow to Roe v. Wade in the coming weeks, after publishing a map with their private addresses.

    Yet even so, Joe Biden, has been virtually silent on the matter, failing to effectively speak out against these riots and reassure the American people that those who seek to vandalize property and perpetrate violence will be held legally accountable for their actions by the Department of Justice.

    Likewise, Biden must also be held accountable for his continued dereliction of duty at this crucial moment for our country.


    The rule of law must be upheld and applied equally, and that means calling out radical anti-life rioters and ensuring there are consequences for their violent outbursts and destruction of property across the country.

    Please SIGN and SHARE this petition calling on Joe Biden to condemn these rioters, and direct the U.S. Department of Justice to take action that will hold them accountable for their actions under the law.

    Thank you!

    Michael J. DaPos & The LifeSite Advocacy Team

    Click HERE to sign this important petition now!
