Thursday, September 28, 2023

Single White Female




Good News!
Funds are available for you to borrow. Get rid of all the pending bills.
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AmountUpto $5000.00
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Good News!
Funds are available for you to borrow. Get rid of all the pending bills.
Your Information
AmountUpto $5000.00
It is easy to check how much you can get. Confirm your request by clicking the button below.

Saturday, September 23, 2023

Poison ivy


Is it ever moral to want to win?

 Is it ever moral to want to win? It's not about what we want! It's not about what we need! We can learn to give up what we want to now hurt others! What about those who disagree with us? What about their human rights? What about their human dignity? What about the rights of every individual? What about this? Will you wanting to have what you want going to take away the human rights from others? Victory is not important! Victory doesn't define morality! Wake up! Get over yourself! Stop making others hurt! Victory doesn't define reality!

Monday, September 18, 2023



No alto daquele cume,
Plantei uma rosa.
O vento no cume bate.
A rosa no cume cheira.

Quando cai a chuva fina,
Salpicos no cume caem.
Formigas no cume entram.
Abelhas no cume saem.

Quando cai a chuva grossa,
A água do cume desce.
O barro do cume escorre.
O mato do cume cresce.

Então quando cessa a chuva,
No cume volta a alegria.
Pois torna a brilhar de novo
O sol que no cume ardia

10 year old vs shark


For king