Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Children laughing



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Jazz russian


M3rrÿ Ĉhrîßtmãş!


Monday, May 22, 2023

Nullo space


Home > Terms > English (EN) > nullo space

nullo space

An often overlooked area in the arena of relativistic physics is the matter of what would happen when one’s frame of reference has a disjointed directionality. In certain geometries, this is the case. We are used to objects always falling downwards. We have sensed such since our birth. This is only part of the universe. In outer space, in free fall, and to some extent underwater, one’s coordinate system is relative to one’s relative up-ness or down-ness. Up and down here are relative. One can just as easily view a person as walking on the floor as on the ceiling. In Nullo space, one can walk on the ceiling or on the ceiling. Also in Nullo space, we can have what I call the Bam-Bam effect. A small object can pick up a larger in Nullo space.

Nullo space also exists when ambiguities occur in ring theory. Ring theory is based upon the idea of transcribing a number from a dial like object. There is no unique zero in ring theory. Thus there is a redundancy.

People have used ring theory for ages. The Aztecs, the Babylonians, and the Hindus are some examples. Ezekiel’s wheel (Ezekiel 1:1, 4-5, 15-16) can be thought of as being a ring theory. binary numbers use ring theory. Y2k was due to the redundancy of 99 going over to 00 with a trailing 19. Then there is sphere theory, which Michael Crichton’s novel Sphere seems to say is a more complete version of ring theory.

Genetic drift appears to be a form of ring theory. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genetic_drift

Dancing 12




Saturday, May 20, 2023

Spicy jazz


Copied from youtube

 Anyone, as Freud tells us in Reflections on War and Death, forced to react against his own impulses may be described as a hypocrite, whether he is conscious of it or not. One might even venture to assert—it is still Freud's argument—that our contemporary civilization favors this sort of hypocrisy and that there are more civilized hypocrites than truly cultured persons, and it is even a question whether a certain amount of hypocrisy is not indispensable to maintain civilization. When this travesty of civilization, this infallible state that has regimented and dragooned its citizens into obedience, goes to war, Freud is pained but not surprised that it makes free use of every injustice, of every act of violence that would dishonor the individual, that it employs not only permissible cunning but conscious lies and intentional deception against the enemy, that it absolves itself from guarantees and treaties by which it was bound to other states and makes unabashed confession of its greed and aspiration to power. For conscience, the idea of right and wrong, in the Freudian sense, is not the inexorable judge that teachers of ethics say it is: it has its origin in nothing but "social fear," and whereas in times of peace the state forbids the individual to do wrong, not because it wishes to do away with wrongdoing but because it wishes to monopolize it, like salt or tobacco, it suspends its reproach in times of war. The suppression of evil desires also ceases, and men, finding the moral ties loosened between large human units, commit acts of cruelty, treachery, deception and brutality the very possibility of which would have been considered incompatible with their degree of culture.

Children of God