Sunday, August 9, 2020

Dada poem

No problem is that wrong with the party of Trotsky
The art of the possible exception to this rule is a great day of school girls under a state of innocence
And I am sorry for being born in the first half brother of a word or phrase that is a toddler and no play makes Jack a dull boy
To say that God is not a video game 🎮of the way to the Great Gatsby and children in the civil servants of the dinosaurs and children in a literary magazine

If you don't want to know why it isn't dark out any of the dinosaurs and children in a fantasy world,
But I am not a middle school student who is a toddler and no one can hear you think that you can understand the importance of having trouble with the Bible?
And we should take down graffiti for the same reason that they are not adults and children in the civil war?
Dada and children are not married to a beheading of a function of this generation and children to the Great Beyond that they are Sandworms doing good to have meaning of the dinosaurs and children

And I have a crush on you all!
The election of the dinosaurs and children to get sick of the dinosaurs and children and children in the civil war?
And the t-shirt challenge is to be treated as such a beautiful child and children in the United nations
If you don't want to know why it isn't dark and children in a fantasy football league of the dinosaurs and no one can hear you scream at the dinosaurs

We should be bothered

We should be bothered when bad things happen! It should matter to us, not because we delight in other people being hurt, not because we like to gripe, not because we want our own way! We do not want our own way! We do not want to control anyone! We are not God! We are not even close! But when bad things happen, it should mean something to us! It doesn't matter if we can do anything about the bad things that are done to others!

Bad apples

There are bad apples in every bunch, but that doesn't mean that we should just throw away the whole group, just because of the few that serve no purpose! Yes, we ought to stand up for goodness and morality, but that doesn't mean that we should just throw away the whole group! We are no better than anybody else! We are nobody to judge! But that doesn't mean that the evils should be ignored, but that doesn't mean that we should just hate any one who ticks us off! We must never blindly hate! We only need to remove the spoiled! It is not the fault of the whole that it's parts are bad!

Friday, July 31, 2020

Sumer is i-cumin in BY ANONYMOUS

Sumer is i-cumin in

Sing, cuccu, nu. Sing, cuccu.
Sing, cuccu. Sing, cuccu, nu.

Sumer is i-cumin in—
Lhude sing, cuccu!
Groweth sed and bloweth med
And springth the wude nu.
Sing, cuccu!

Awe bleteth after lomb,
Lhouth after calve cu,
Bulluc sterteth, bucke verteth—
Murie sing, cuccu!
Cuccu, cuccu,
Wel singes thu, cuccu.
Ne swik thu naver nu!

a 14th century English round

July in Washington BY ROBERT LOWELL

July in Washington

The stiff spokes of this wheel
touch the sore spots of the earth.

On the Potomac, swan-white
power launches keep breasting the sulphurous wave.

Otters slide and dive and slick back their hair,
raccoons clean their meat in the creek.

On the circles, green statues ride like South American
liberators above the breeding vegetation—

prongs and spearheads of some equatorial
backland that will inherit the globe.

The elect, the elected . . . they come here bright as dimes,
and die dishevelled and soft.

We cannot name their names, or number their dates—
circle on circle, like rings on a tree—

but we wish the river had another shore,
some further range of delectable mountains,

distant hills powdered blue as a girl’s eyelid.
It seems the least little shove would land us there,

that only the slightest repugnance of our bodies
we no longer control could drag us back.

Astronomical by Sophie Hannah Jones

Sophie Hannah Jones

I tell the girl at Name a Star of course
I know it’s rare, I know she hopes she won’t be asked again.
Requests like mine are hardly likely to become the norm.
Most people will continue to conform,

                       but I am not most people.
                       I’ve read the rules. I know what’s fair
                       and I want to name a star,
                       as the blurb says, to show someone I care.
The name I have chosen is David Shithead Stubbs. Now, can we talk
certificates, star lists, gift sets? Oh, go on, let’s.

                        I’ve sent my cheque for fifty quid.
                        I have consumer rights.
                        She doesn’t even ask me what he did.

Do you know how long it took, I say, to choose a slur?
Wanker and arsehole sounded somehow wrong.
Shithead was good but couldn’t stand alone,
since how would David Stubbs or anyone have known
the star was named for him? You see, this means
a lot to me. It isn’t just a whim.

I need to know that every night, for ever,
he’ll trawl the skies, wondering is that the one?
Feet on the ground, he can repent, appeal, achieve, endeavour
but every twinkle of the star I’ve named
will show him he is blamed
permanently and hard for what he’s done.

                        So, David Stubbs, let’s see how tough you are.
                        I am the customer. I’ve paid. You can’t un-name my star.

The voice I’m speaking to sounds tired. I know
I sound hysterical, a mess,
a shrew it would be foolish to say no to. Well, so be it.
There will be a star called David Shithead Stubbs.
I will lean over balconies to see it.

I give her the address
I want the framed certificate to go to.

The Top Ten Einstein Quotations: The Wit and Wisdom of Albert Einstein

The Top Ten Einstein Quotations: The Wit and Wisdom of Albert Einstein

You never truly understand something until you can explain it to your grandmother.
We all know that light travels faster than sound. That's why certain people appear bright until we hear them speak.
Only two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity (and I'm not sure about the former).
The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.
An intellectual solves a problem. A genius avoids it.
The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once.
The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is at all comprehensible.
The hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax.
Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted.
Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love!

Children of God