Wednesday, May 11, 2022

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Trending story

Bette Midler — the outspoken left-wing activist who's also known for singing and acting — posted a tweet over the weekend actually claiming Planned Parenthood "isn't killing children" and that the National Rifle Association really is to blame for their deaths:“Planned Parenthood isn’t killing children,” Midler's tweeted meme states. “You’ ... Read more

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Message from our sponsor, RevelationMedia

Pro-Abortion Group Sees an Unbelievable 1400% Increase in Donations

Following the Supreme Court leak indicating Roe v. Wade will be overturned, donations to abortion advocacy groups have skyrocketed. Groups like NARAL Pro-Choice America reported that their donations have increased 1400% and the Abortion Care Network said that it received the largest surge in donations the association has ever seen: $250,000 since the draft document was leaked. Recently, MacKenzie Scott, Jeff Bezo’s ex-wife, donated $275 million to Planned Parenthood, along with 21 of its affiliates.

Chief Executive of Planned Parenthood, Alexis McGill Johnson, acknowledged the danger the abortion industry faces at this point in history when she issued her thank-you for Mackenzie Scott's donation:

“As we face the most serious attacks on access to abortion that we’ve seen in a generation, PPFA is proud to play a vital role in ensuring access to essential healthcare.”
—Alexis McGill Johnson

The abortion industry is most threatened by Christians doing pro-life work. Those who value the lives of the unborn must band together and stand for life. 

Now is the time to be heard. Now is the time to understand the pro-life case and form beliefs on more than what is said in the media. We have been fighting the ramifications of Roe v. Wade for more than 50 years. All Christians can rally behind the award-winning film The Matter of Life and finally influence change for millions of innocent lives.

Invite your pro-life friends. Invite your pro-choice friends. Invite your friends who haven’t made up their mind about this contentious topic yet. The Matter of Life steps into the topic of abortion with tasteful reality and loving grace, and is a perfect opportunity to bridge divides and answer the foundational question: Are the unborn one of us?
Tickets are now available for the two-night-only showing of The Matter of Life. In select theaters nationwide on May 16th and 17th. This award-winning film is changing hearts and saving lives. Get your tickets now by clicking the link below.
Be informed. Be inspired. Be heard.

The pro-abortion, radical left is ramping up the violent rhetoric.


The pro-abortion, radical left is ramping up the violent rhetoric.

An unprecedented Supreme Court leak has revealed the conservative majority is planning on overturning Roe v. Wade. As expected, the leftist death cultists are losing their minds. While protests in front of the Supreme Court were initially peaceful, the progressive radicals are beginning to escalate tensions.

These crazed individuals have doxxed our conservative justices and are harassing them at their homes. In Virginia, this is a crime, and yet, Joe Biden’s DOJ remains silent. The protests and threats of violence have become so bad that Justice Alito had to move himself and his family to a secure, undisclosed location.

Now more than ever, we must fight back against these insane leftists until our last breath to preserve our Republic. But we need your help to continue doing so.

It is not just our Supreme Court justices who are being targeted. Members of the pro-abortion mob have assaulted pro-life supporters. Churchgoers have been harassed at their places of worship. Two Molotov cocktails were thrown into the office building of the pro-life organization Wisconsin Family Action, and its walls were graffitied with a sinister message: “If abortions aren’t safe, neither are you.”

If this is what we are seeing before the official Supreme Court decision, we can only imagine the chaos and destruction the left will rain down on society once official.

By joining Townhall VIP, you will become part of the Townhall army working to defend the lives of the unborn, expose the abortion-on-demand radicals, and fight back against liberal tyranny.

Though the Supreme Court is poised to overturn Roe, radical Democrats in Congress threaten to destroy the U.S. Senate by nuking the filibuster to codify the right to have an abortion into law. And once again, there are rumblings about packing the Supreme Court.

At Townhall, we have been working to preserve our country that the left wants to destroy. We don’t follow the leftist narrative, and we won't back down. Join us in this war.
By becoming a Townhall VIP member, you’ll not only directly support the long war in defeating leftism and telling the truth, but you’ll also get exclusive columns from Katie Pavlich and Kurt Schlichter, plus Kurt's VIP members-only "Stream of Kurtiousness" video series and "Unredacted" podcast.
There are no ads—just pure conservative writing that will arm you with the truth and cut through the liberal media’s BS. Every penny is devoted to telling the truth liberals don't want you to know and ensuring the decimation of the left and saving America.
Use the promo code SAVEAMERICA for 40% off your VIP membership, our largest discount ever! You can't afford to not take this deal!

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Wensheng Xie via evolution-list Unsubscribe


  • Wensheng Xie via evolution-list <>Unsubscribe
    Cc:Wensheng Xie
    Wed, May 11 at 3:24 AM
    Hash: SHA512

    Hi, evolution:

    Recently, I set up gpg with a friend. The email is not like a normal
    gpg email - it is partly encrypted, and It is not decrypted in
    evolution. If I open the mail, it starts with this:

    - -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----
    Version: Mailvelope v4.5.2

    - -----END PGP MESSAGE-----

    I do not have problem with other friends encrypted emails. What's the
    problem with this one?

    best regards,

    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

    evolution-list mailing list
    To change your list options or unsubscribe, visit ...

  • Milan Crha via evolution-list <>Unsubscribe
    Wed, May 11 at 3:50 AM
    On Wed, 2022-05-11 at 15:24 +0800, Wensheng Xie via evolution-list
    > I do not have problem with other friends encrypted emails. What's the
    > problem with this one?

    the gpg (not Evolution) has a problem to decode the encrypted data,
    indicated by all those red lines:

      gpg: invalid radix64 character 2E skipped
      gpg: invalid radix64 character 2E skipped
      gpg: invalid radix64 character 2E skipped
      gpg: CRC error; E45FEB - B97EBD

    whether it's caused by the message creator software or by some
    post/pre-processing of the message by the Evolution, before passing it
    to the gpg, is hard to say. It depends on several aspects, especially
    the message source.

    Are the other recipients, those from whom the decryption works, also
    using the same message creator software or they use a different mail

  • Wensheng Xie via evolution-list <>Unsubscribe
    To:Milan Crha,
    Cc:Wensheng Xie
    Wed, May 11 at 4:10 AM
    Hash: SHA512

    Thanks for the reply.

    > indicated by all those red lines:
    >    gpg: invalid radix64 character 2E skipped
    >    gpg: invalid radix64 character 2E skipped
    >    gpg: invalid radix64 character 2E skipped
    >    gpg: CRC error; E45FEB - B97EBD
    I think these are caused by my partly copied email. If I copy the full
    email and put it in a text file, I can decrypt it, but why evolution
    can not?

    > Are the other recipients, those from whom the decryption works, also
    > using the same message creator software or they use a different mail
    > client?
    It is clear that my friend uses a different mail client. However, I
    don't think gpg has to be used within same mail client.


    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
  • Milan Crha via evolution-list <>Unsubscribe
    Wed, May 11 at 4:28 AM
    On Wed, 2022-05-11 at 16:10 +0800, Wensheng Xie wrote:
    > I think these are caused by my partly copied email.

    do you mean you edited the message content after it had been received
    by usual means? I guess not.

    > If I copy the full email and put it in a text file, I can decrypt it,
    > but why evolution can not?

    The message structure matters, I believe. Would it be possible to share
    the *original* (unedited) message, please? Not on the list, you can
    send it only to me. As long as it's encrypted I won't be able to see
    the content, but I could see a similar error messages as you see, if
    gpg fails soon enough.

    > However, I don't think gpg has to be used within same mail client.

    Yeah, I didn't mean it that way. I meant to check what clients the
    other users use. If it's "one user with client X fails, other 10 users
    with 5 different clients do not fail", then it's likely there's
    something odd with the client the one user uses.


    P.S.: by the way, Reply to List (Ctrl+L) works fine for me on this
    mailing list

Contact Zone by Imaikalani Kalahele


Contact Zone

Imaikalani Kalahele

That’s when two stuff 
Touch, yeah? 

Just like when the tides come in 
And touch the shores
Bringing what it will. 

Fish from the deep 
Limu from the shores 
ʻOpihi from the rocks 
Coconuts on the drift 
Logs from the continent 
People from around the world 
Plastics and ʻopala of all sorts. 

The shore has no choice 
It has to accept 
Whatever the tides bring. 

Here we are 
In this swirling muliwai 
Of ideas and manaʻo 
Philosophies and spiritualities. 

Like the tides 
Ebbing and flowing 
The shore has no choice. 

But we do! 

ETITION: Call on Biden to condemn violent pro-abortion rioters across America!

 ETITION: Call on Biden to condemn violent pro-abortion rioters across America!

  • LifeSite <>Unsubscribe
    Wed, May 11 at 2:00 PM

    Office of pro-life group Wisconsin Family Action, after being vandalized by pro-abortion rioters.
    Dear Friend,

    In the aftermath of the leak of the Supreme Court majority opinion draft overruling Roe v. Wade, lawless vandals backed by the abortion lobby and pro-abortion politicians have launched riots and violent attacks on pro-life entities across America, from pregnancy centers to churches, and even targeted Justices' homes. 

    This widespread, organized effort not only sets a dangerous standard for how groups and individuals may opt to stage demonstrations going forward, but begs the question of how the pro-abortion crowd would behave if and when the Supreme Court officially overturns Roe later this summer.

    And, worst of all, the White House has largely turned a blind eye to these riots, with Joe Biden -- who at one time claimed to be personally opposed to abortion due to his Catholic faith -- now acting as the foremost advocate for unfettered abortion access in America.

    Biden's irresponsible behavior must be addressed, and the White House needs to know that the American people demand better from their supposed "leader."

    Please SIGN and SHARE this petition calling on Joe Biden to stop beating around the bush and finally issue a formal statement condemning the violent riots and attacks on pro-life institutions across our country in the wake of the leaked Supreme Court majority opinion draft overturning Roe v. Wade.

    Over Mother's Day weekend, pro-abortion attacks broke out across America, with increasingly depraved activists targeting pregnancy centers, pro-life advocacy organizations, and churches with either disruptive demonstrations or, in some cases, vandalism and outright violence.

    They even descended upon the homes of Supreme Court Justices like Samuel Alito, Brett Kavanaugh, and Chief Justice John Roberts, who appear poised to formally issue the final blow to Roe v. Wade in the coming weeks, after publishing a map with their private addresses.

    Yet even so, Joe Biden, has been virtually silent on the matter, failing to effectively speak out against these riots and reassure the American people that those who seek to vandalize property and perpetrate violence will be held legally accountable for their actions by the Department of Justice.

    Likewise, Biden must also be held accountable for his continued dereliction of duty at this crucial moment for our country.


    The rule of law must be upheld and applied equally, and that means calling out radical anti-life rioters and ensuring there are consequences for their violent outbursts and destruction of property across the country.

    Please SIGN and SHARE this petition calling on Joe Biden to condemn these rioters, and direct the U.S. Department of Justice to take action that will hold them accountable for their actions under the law.

    Thank you!

    Michael J. DaPos & The LifeSite Advocacy Team

    Click HERE to sign this important petition now!

Children of God