Thursday, April 7, 2022

What modern tracts must sound like

 I am sorry that you're reading this! I am sorry that I am telling you what I believe! I am sorry that it is you who are reading it! I don't want to control you! I don't want to control your feelings! You are you! I am me! Why should we have to interact? I am sorry for having beliefs! I am sorry for telling you what I believe! Please 🙏 don't hate me! Please throw this in the trash! Forget me forever! Okay?

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Dada poem5

 For example, I did this in a few years.

The problem with bottle caps is that gas is not a problem.

You have no clue how you feel about your feelings.

If you feel about your feelings, you are awesome!👍

.Ausschnitt des Wandbildes: „Griechische Antike und Ägypten“ von Gustav Klimt, Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien, 1891


Are we perpetually enslaved to our inner doubts, despair and anger?

 Are we perpetually enslaved to our inner doubts, despair and anger?

It is hard to sing the song of freedom when we do not feel free. So often it feels as though the sea will never split.

Because inside every one of us there is a Pharaoh and he will not let us go. He holds us down and mocks our hopes. He laughs and tells us that we are slaves and we will always be slaves. That there is no other life for us than the one we have.

He points to the wasted, ruined efforts of our past and tells us that we must continue to waste our lives building useless buildings and watching them fall. He tells us that all of our tomorrows will be made of this futile, helpless emptiness. And we hear him and we are crushed and defeated. Depleted of spirit and unable even to cry. We see our future and it looks like our present and it looks like our past. We are not worthy of salvation. We will never reach the promised land.

This is all true. Except.

Except that within each of us there is also a Moses. And his voice says, “Let’s go!” His voice says, “It’s true that you may now be a slave but you don’t have to be tomorrow what you are today. You were not created to build castles in the sand. You are worthy of serving God in the Promised Land. Look up and see that place in the distance. If you believe in yourself you can be saved.”

And all of this is true. Except.

Except that the voice of Moses is a stammer and he speaks so softly that we cannot hear. And if we cannot hear then how can we change? And if we do not change then how will we be free?

We are condemned to be exactly what we are right now, a small, wan version of the self that God willed for us when He blew into us the breath of life. The life that we are now wasting.

This is painful but true. Except.

Even a soft stammer is loud when is speaks the truth.

Except, the thin, soft sound can be heard if you are willing to hear it. If you can be silent long enough. Even a soft stammer is loud when is speaks the truth. You will know the truth when you encounter it. You will recognize the voice that uplifts instead of pushing you down. When you hear it, you can choose to heed its call.

And every word of it will be true.

Sometimes the path to salvation is made of your own work and the sea will not split, so you must swim to get to the other side. Sometimes the lesson is not so obvious, and both the hero and the villain are you. Sometimes the Egypt you escape is within you and you must find a new way to be.

There is always a Pharaoh and a Moses, slavery and salvation. And there is always a choice to make. Only you can decide whose voice you will heed and where you will travel.

And that is eternally true.

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Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Hitler seen correctly

Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini (Italian: [be.ˈniː.to a.ˈ an.ˈdreː.aˈliː.ni]) has been ousted as Prime Minister of Italy.

Saturday, March 26, 2022

Dada poem 4

 For humans to dress like a Viking hat,

There wasn't any reason to dress up for daughters.

If only I were in love with your mother,

It's amazing how you feel about this drawing.

It doesn't turn into anything.

You mean his own thing?

It was going to happen in love,

Unless Unreason has been in love with your friend!

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Dada poem3

I don't think it has to attack.
you keep your head up and Rafael will be fine with you!
You may keep the same number of people who don't have a problem with that hot chick from 0.
You mean Satan and Rafael?

It was a problem with this one of my Kingdom by the job.
I'm missing you💋!
You mean a thing?
Dylan was a good friend of my dad!

Like it has been that hot in a oven for years.
You mean a little more than anything else?

Most terrifying things

1. war 2. famine 3. your parent coming to see you at school 4. your parent finding out about your crush 5. your crush finding out about your feelings for him/her 6. talking to your crush 7. conversation 8. bees 9. wasps 10. guns 11. monsters 12. the undead 13. bullies 14. the dark 15. being called names 16. aliens 17. your crush talking to you 18. class projects 19. wet surfaces 20. ghosts 21. falling 22. rejection 23. death of a loved one 24. home invasion 25. becoming a monster 26. being forgotten 27. death 28. dieing 29. Hell 30. Satan 31. foreign enemies 32. spies,saboteurs, assassins 33. deadness 34. the unknown

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Is Geometry a Language That Only Humans Know?

Is Geometry a Language That Only Humans Know? Neuroscientists are exploring whether shapes like squares and rectangles — and our ability to recognize them — are part of what makes our species special. Credit...Video by Yoshi Sodeoka • Give this article • • • 142 • By Siobhan Roberts • March 22, 2022Updated 12:21 p.m. ET During a workshop last fall at the Vatican, Stanislas Dehaene, a cognitive neuroscientist with the Collège de France, gave a presentation chronicling his quest to understand what makes humans — for better or worse — so special. Dr. Dehaene has spent decades probing the evolutionary roots of our mathematical instinct; this was the subject of his 1996 book, “The Number Sense: How the Mind Creates Mathematics.” Lately, he has zeroed in on a related question: What sorts of thoughts, or computations, are unique to the human brain? Part of the answer, Dr. Dehaene believes, might be our seemingly innate intuitions about geometry. Organized by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, the Vatican workshop addressed the subject “Symbols, Myths and Religious Sense in Humans Since the First” — that is, since the first humans emerged a couple of million years back. Dr. Dehaene began his slide show with a collage of photographs showing symbols engraved in rock — scythes, axes, animals, gods, suns, stars, spirals, zigzags, parallel lines, dots. Some of the photos he took during a trip to the Valley of Marvels in southern France. These engravings are thought to date back to the Bronze Age, from roughly 3,300 B.C. to 1,200 B.C.; others were 70,000 and 540,000 years old. He also showed a photo of a “biface” stone implement — spherical at one end, triangular at the other — and he noted that humans sculpted similar tools 1.8 million years ago. For Dr. Dehaene, it is the inclination to imagine — a triangle, the laws of physics, the square root of negative 1 — that captures the essence of being human. “The argument I made in the Vatican is that the same ability is at the heart of our capacity to imagine religion,” he recalled recently. ADVERTISEMENT Continue reading the main story He acknowledged, with a laugh, that it is no small leap from imagining a triangle to devising religion. (His own intellectual trajectory entailed a degree in mathematics and a master’s in computer science before becoming a neuroscientist). Nevertheless, he said, “This is what we have to explain: Suddenly there was an explosion of new ideas with the human species.”



Happy Tuesday.

You're busy, I'm busy, so allow me
to share one quick "hack" for you that works instantly.

If you're ever in an interaction with anyone, not just
that beautiful woman you met out, and you feel like
you're not sure what to do with your body...

Check in with your body language:

Take up more space.

Lean back, keep your shoulders relaxed and down,
and if you're sitting down, keep your legs spread wide
(but be natural about it).

High status body language is crucial to a successful
conversation with anyone (is body language itself
makes up over 70% of it).

It's very true that it matters less about what you say,
but HOW it's said.

Ensure your body language isn’t broadcasting low-status.

(And trying too hard to "be alpha" is low-status
 so you gotta get this just right.)

And now, a short important note to keep the fires
 and the action-takers pushing...

The feedback for Secret Conversations has

The Modern Flirting Family has been posting
all sorts of wins in the VIP Facebook group from it...

From guys getting numbers with the IG Models at the club...

To first kisses in under 15 minutes.

All thanks to the exact, step by step structures
I lay out inside of Secret Conversations.

If you haven't seen it yet, check it out here.

And if you're not in the VIP Facebook group yet,
you're definitely missing out.

I've got a marketing call I have to hop on here shortly,
have some exciting stuff in the works that I am
so pumped to share with you very soon :)

See you tomorrow brotha,
- Jared

You're busy, I'm busy, so allow me
to share one quick "hack" for you that works instantly.

If you're ever in an interaction with anyone, not just
that beautiful woman you met out, and you feel like
you're not sure what to do with your body...

Check in with your body language:

Take up more space.

Lean back, keep your shoulders relaxed and down,
and if you're sitting down, keep your legs spread wide
(but be natural about it).

High status body language is crucial to a successful
conversation with anyone (is body language itself
makes up over 70% of it).

It's very true that it matters less about what you say,
but HOW it's said.

Ensure your body language isn’t broadcasting low-status.

(And trying too hard to "be alpha" is low-status
 so you gotta get this just right.)

And now, a short important note to keep the fires
 and the action-takers pushing...

The feedback for Secret Conversations has

The Modern Flirting Family has been posting
all sorts of wins in the VIP Facebook group from it...

From guys getting numbers with the IG Models at the club...

To first kisses in under 15 minutes.

All thanks to the exact, step by step structures
I lay out inside of Secret Conversations.

If you haven't seen it yet, check it out here.

And if you're not in the VIP Facebook group yet,
you're definitely missing out.

I've got a marketing call I have to hop on here shortly,
have some exciting stuff in the works that I am
so pumped to share with you very soon :)

See you tomorrow brotha,
- Jared

Children of God